The Adulterous Woman John 7:53-8:11
Introduction The Feast of Tabernacles was for 7 days (Lev 23:34) –The Jewish leaders had tried to figure out how to kill or arrest Jesus without an uproar They failed to do it themselves (Jn 7:30) Their officers refused to do it (Jn 7:43-46) –Nicodemus pointed out they were not following the Law by not waiting to hear Jesus before condemning Him (Jn 7:50-51), but he was ignored and belittled Jn 7:53-8:1 – the feast ended and people went home (rather than return to the booths) –Jesus did not have a home here, possibly went to Bethany on the far side of Mt Olivet
Introduction But the eighth day was also a holy day at which all were to assemble (Lev 23:36) –So Jesus and all the people return (Jn 8:2) Jesus took this as another opportunity to teach Being the last day at which all were required to attend, the leaders know they must act now –But with the large crowds, they also must act in a way to keep themselves blameless
The question John 8:3-6 –The Pharisees and scribes bring a woman before Jesus (and the crowd) They accuse her of adultery The evidence is overwhelming (caught in the act) Moses’ Law is summarized to say she must be stoned Jesus is asked to pass judgment –Jesus’ response is to ignore them Some inventively try to say what Jesus wrote, but we’re not told
The background of the test Why would they think Jesus would disagree? –Judea was Roman-controlled Roman law did not allow the Jews to carry out death penalties (Jn 18:31) with a few exceptions not applicable here –If the people think Jesus is the Christ, then they thought He was going to cast out the Romans If Jesus says, ‘Obey the Roman laws’, the people will stop thinking He is Christ If Jesus says, ‘Stone her’, then He can be turned over to the Romans as a law-breaker A trick question, like later in Mt 22:15-22
What did the Law say? They’d asked Jesus a question about the Law –He had been sitting there teaching the people –While they waited for His answer perhaps they would think about the Law –In Deut 16, immediately after describing the Feast of Tabernacles (Dt 16:13-17) Is the law of judges and justice (Dt 16:18-20) –Appointed judges were to pass judgment »Jesus was not an appointed judge, though the Pharisees and scribes had carried out that role –Justice demands no attempt to hide or twist the facts
What did the Law say? After appointing judges and demanding justice –Law set out the process of judging (Dt 17:2-7) For all wickedness “transgressing His covenant” –First example is idolatry (v3) –Other examples given in later chapters The matter must be investigated “diligently” There must be 2 or 3 witnesses The witnesses must be willing to act first as executioners –If they are untruthful, they would be guilty of murder
What did the Law say? If the judges couldn’t determine whether the death penalty was applicable –The Law told them who would make the decision (Dt 17:8-11) The Levitical priests –Jesus was not a priest nor a Levite If people won’t listen to and obey the judges or the priests... (Dt 17:12-13) –They were to be put to death
Jesus’ answer John 8:7 –By delay, Jesus clearly demonstrates that He was not seeking to act as judge or priest In fact, the scribes and Pharisees were probably the correct authority since they acted as judges –And they had already passed judgment –“He who is without sin...” Not saying a judge must be sinless Rather, he who did not sin in this matter –Not accusing them of adultery or fornication
What sin? What sin could the scribes and Pharisees have had in this matter? –Not taking the matter to the priests –Not accepting the sentence of the judges –Not having the required 2 or 3 witnesses –Not having investigated the matter –Perverting justice Deut 22:22 –Where is the man?
Guilty “… let him throw a stone at her first.” –Jesus knew she was guilty, and He did not dispute the findings of the judges –But that did NOT mean she automatically died under the Law The method of judgment and execution had to be obeyed Anyone who had not themselves violated the Law in accusing or judging this woman could go ahead and execute her (starting with the witnesses) John 8:8 –Then He ignored them again
Response John 8:9-11 –One by one all the Pharisees and scribes leave They knew in their heart justice was not their aim –They had perverted justice –Jesus asks where are the judges and witnesses None had remained –Jesus then says He does not condemn her Not in the moral sense, but the legal sense He could not condemn her – He was not a judge or a priest or a witness –And even if a witness because He knew all things, one witness was not enough under the Law
Sin no more But as to moral guilt... –“Go, and sin no more.” She was guilty and needed to stop her sin (repent)
Conclusion This is a much misused passage –Some use it to say you can’t accuse another of sin – ‘Don’t cast stones’ or ‘He who is without sin, cast the first stone’ Jesus didn’t tell them not to cast stones Jesus didn’t mean one had to be sinless to accuse or judge another –But rather that the ends do not justify the means »The outcome can only be righteous if the means of getting there are righteous »As Jesus said a few days previously, “Judge righteous judgment” (Jn 7:24)