ExodusExodus Fickle People – Steadfast God Lesson 10 – Commandments and Ordinances
Migdol Marah Elim
Events on Sinai Prep/God’s Pres. Commands 40 days IdolIdol Save PunishPunish Trip 40-2 Covenant Elders Initial instruction, prep for covenant Commandments, ordinances Book of Covenant Israelites agree Instructions for tabernacle, priesthood Elders prepared Israel’s ‘golden calf’ sin Moses intercedes with God Moses deals with Israelites Moses intercedes with God, negotiates trip to Canaan Covenant renewed, Moses marked 19, 20: :1-17, 20:22-23:33 24:3-8 24:1-2, 24: :1-6 32: :
Behavior of Moses and the Israelites Israelites – Agreeable, obedient (19:8, 14, 17) – Fearful (20:18-21) – Agreeable, obedient (24:3-8) – Flagrantly disobedient, self-absorbed (32:1-6) – Cowardly, juvenile, irresponsible (Aaron) (32:22-24) – ???? – Levites (32:26-28) What was their motivation? – ‘Mournful’ (33:1-4) Why? Thoughts on their attitude?
Behavior of Moses and the Israelites Moses – Respectful to God, obedient to His will, focused and disciplined in carrying out his role Multiple occasions where Moses would ‘go up to God’ and carry His word back to the people (e.g. 19: 3, 7-8; 9; 14; 17) – Courageous. Willing to approach God in spite of the fearful presence of the L ORD (e.g. 20:18-21; 24:17-18) – Loyal, wise, courageous in making a case before God (32:11-14, 33:12-17) – Righteously angry (32:19-27) – Willing to sacrifice himself for others (32:31-32)
Events on Sinai Prep/God’s Pres. Commands 40 days IdolIdol Save PunishPunish Trip 40-2 Covenant Elders Initial instruction, prep for covenant Commandments, ordinances Book of Covenant Israelites agree Instructions for tabernacle, priesthood Elders prepared Israel’s ‘golden calf’ sin Moses intercedes with God Moses deals with Israelites Moses intercedes with God, negotiates trip to Canaan Covenant renewed, Moses marked 19, 20: :1-17, 20:22-23:33 24:3-8 24:1-2, 24: :1-6 32: :
Commandments and Ordinances List of things important to God Address nature of relationships between Man and God and between people – Attitude of people in considering/accounting for God – How people should treat each other Address the attitude(s) that drives behavior Provides a framework for fairness and balance in living
Principles in Practice Primacy, exclusiveness of God – 22:18, 20 (Dt 18:9-14) Man as a unique and special creation – 22:19 Circumstances matter – 21:28-32 – 21:12-14 Acting responsibly and being accountable matter – 22:5 Protection of, respect for the defenseless – 22: Living honorably, with maturity, integrity, clear headedness – 23:8
Themes Acknowledge, honor God Honor parents Respect others Respect life Appreciate one’s own blessings (contentment) Importance of exercising discipline, self-restraint (temperament) Importance of kindness, fairness, proportionality, personal responsibility, accountability (maturity, wisdom)
Insights God prepares His people God consistently shows forbearance God’s servants remain steadfast, obedient to His will God’s servants demonstrate courage and conviction God’s mind can be changed…so long as He remains consistent with Himself God provides instructions for living that maximize life, one’s quality of living, and relationships between people
Exodus: Fickle People—Steadfast God July 12 – Overview July 19—Joseph to Moses: Consequences of a Steadfast Faith July 26—Moses: Prepared for the Task Aug 2—The Plagues, 1-9 Aug 9—The Tenth Plague (Part 1) Aug 16—The Tenth Plague (Part 2) – Passover, Feasts, Memorials Aug 23—Exodus from Egypt Aug 30—Songs and Prayers Sep 6—Mount Sinai Sep 13—Commandments and Ordinances Sep 20—Priesthood, Tabernacle, Culmination…and Beginning Sep 27—What’s the Point?