Stop Loan Sharks The Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT)
What we do………. Prosecute unlicensed lenders under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 – Trading Standards legislation Prosecute for additional crimes including: Rape, Kidnap, Wounding, Assault, Blackmail, Drugs, Criminal damage, Fire arms, Affray etc Provide specialised victim and witness support
What is a loan shark? A loan shark is someone who lends money as a business to 2 or more people without a licence under the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Typical Characteristics… No credit agreements given Most payments are cash and weekly, no receipts Violence and/or intimidation & threats Take cash cards & other illegal securities Repayments are at least twice the amount borrowed Rarely advertise Victims often involved with petty crimes
Why do people borrow from Loan Sharks? May be easily influenced Have exhausted other forms of credit Have complex debt problems Very often begin to borrow at crisis point ie household appliance broken / moved into new property / no money for Christmas May be used to using expensive credit on doorstep Unaware of potential for violence, threats, misery etc
Pay him or pay your rent?
” Recent local information
Contact details Absolutely anyone can phone in with Loan Shark information – a victim, advice worker, local resident, police officer, neighbour... Strictest of confidence Anonymous - you don’t have to give your name k
Key information Name and contact details of loan shark Vehicle registration Areas operated in Amount lent Amount paid back Any threats? Where information noted down? Names and addresses of people lent to Securities taken?
Contact details… Mike McAughtrie