Muslims Had an Advanced Civilization l The caliph was at first elected, but later became a hereditary position. l The Muslim empire broke up into three caliphates, Cairo, Baghdad, and Cordova. l The Arabs traded throughout Asia, Africa and parts of Europe.
The Muslim Economy and Society l The Muslim Empire produced silk, cotton, and linen textiles. l Jewelry, perfumes, spices, objects made of gold, silver, and copper. Swords from Damascus and Toledo. l Pottery, glassware and the finest leather goods from Cordova and Tangier. l In the Muslim family the father was the head of the family. Women had to obey and marriages were arranged by parents.
Muslim Society l The Groom gave his bride a sadaq or mahr or a special marriage gift, ( a dower). l Women could be educated and own property. Infant girls could not be killed, and a woman had to be supported even in divorce. l The mosque, family and schools all educated Muslims. Education based on the Qur’an.
Art, Science, and Mathematics l Islamic law prohibited the use of the human form.Calligraphy and geometric design flourished. l The Muslim empire took ideas from Greek, Roman, and Asian culture. Astrolabe to calculate latitude. They learned paper making. l Rhazes wrote about small pox, surgery, etc. Avicenna wrote Canon of Medicine. Averroes wrote philosophy.
Art, Science, and Mathematics l Arabs developed Algebra or the reunion of broken parts. Muslims spread the number system and invented the concept of zero. l Arab geographers explored the world and made accurate maps. l Europeans came into contact with Arab learning through Spain and through the Crusades. The Great Era of Muslim Culture was between A.D.
The Turks l In the late 900s the Seljuk Turks migrated to Baghdad. They converted to Islam and took large parts of the Byzantine Empire. l The first half of the 1300s the Ottoman Turks came to power and established a capital at Adrianople. l The Ottomans conquered Constantinople in l The Ottomans allowed millets or independent non Muslim communities.
The Janissaries l The Ottomans used slaves in the army or Janissaries. l The Janissaries became the bodyguards to the sultans or Turkish rulers. l The Janissaries became powerful and like the Praetorian Guard in Rome, they control the government at times in Ottoman history. l The Ottomans Empire lasts into the 20th century.