By: Nicole Nosbisch Rachael Greist Web-Quest for 5 th grade students
Standards Science standard: 12.A.1b Categorize living organisms using a variety of observable features (e.g., size, color, shape, backbone). Science standard: 12.B.1a Describe and compare characteristics of living things in relationship to their environments. Science standard: 12.A.1a Identify and describe the component parts of living things (e.g., birds have feathers; people have bones, blood, hair, skin) and their major functions. Science standard: 12.E.1b Identify and describe patterns of weather and seasonal change. Science standard: 12.B.1b Describe how living things depend on one another for survival. Science standard: 13.A.1c Explain how knowledge can be gained by careful observation.
Resources e/reef/reef1_flash.html e/reef/reef1_flash.html erreef/ erreef/ reef/coralfacts.htm reef/coralfacts.htm ving_reef.html ving_reef.html html html
Introduction G'Day, Mate! Hop in me boat, and I'll take you on a tour of one of the most interesting and unique places in the world – The Great Barrier Reef in Australia! Did you know this great reef is home to over 30,000 species, it is also 3,000 miles long. Yes, Mate, there are so many fantastic things to learn about the Great Barrier Reef, I can't wait to begin. So, let's get started. Keep your eyes on the water and watch out for all those Nemo fish.
Task You and your mates will discover the Great Barrier Coral Reef by becoming a researcher, a diver and a fish. You will explore the reef and the creatures that make up that habitat to become an expert “on the reef down under.” As you explore The Great Barrier Reef, you will be collecting fish pictures and facts to fill your journal. You will decide what to collect to use in your research about how to save the coral reef.
Process Choose a group of 3 people to work with. Activity #1 and #2 will be done together as a group. For Activities 3-5, you will choose if you will be a: Species Research Diver Environmentalist Please write all of your findings in your journal to be shared with the class later.
Process Activity #1- Coral Reef G'Day! Go to and site to learn about coral reefs. * Research the coral reef by taking notes. * What is the largest coral reef? And where is it located? * Explain how the coral reef is a living organism. * Why do fish live in the coral reef?
Process Activity #2 – The Great Barrier Reef Watch out! Whew! You just missed that coral reef by less than a foot! You'd better get more information about that. Research The Great Barrier Reef and learn more about it. I'll wait in the boat where it's safe! In your journal, write the responses to the following questions. Use the web-site to find out interesting facts. What country is the Great Barrier Reef located off of? How long is the Great Barrier Reef? How many species inhabit the reef?
Process Activity #3 - Species Visit the National Geographic site and read about 4 different species in the coral reef. and reef/coralfacts.htmhttp:// reef/coralfacts.htm -- Choose a species. The Great Barrier Reef is a huge habitat for many species of water life. Can you pick one fish to be while you live in the water, skipper? *Research the species by taking notes. * Print a picture of this species. * Combine the notes and the picture into your journal. * Find an interesting fact about your species to share with the class. * Describe your species in your journal. Color, size, shape and how it survives. *Who is the natural predator in the coral reef? * Sketch a picture of Crown-of-thorns Seastar.
Process Activity #4- Diver G'Day Kids! Ready for some adventure? So, rather than me telling you about it, I've decided to let you dive down under to see for yourself the beauty of the coral reef. As an expert diver, you have the ability to observe coral as no one else can. You have seen first hand and close up what we above the water cannot. You will use your knowledge to create the coral reef in our minds. Use these websites to answer the following questions in your journal. In your journal, draw a piece of coral. Describe the general habitat of coral and how it lives. How do the animals and plants depend on each other? What are some natural enemies of the coral? Explain how they are threats.
Process Activity #5- Environmentalist Hold on to yer hats, Mates! We've run out of gas! But there is no need to worry. We'll just go swimming about and take in some of the sights. Let's hope someone rescues us soon. Your experience qualifies you to speak of the role that each species play in the underwater community. Use the following sites to help others learn how to help save the coral reef, write down your responses in your journal What are 3 threats to the coral reef? Why? What can people do to save the coral reef? Explain how you would save the coral reef?
After the Activities Reflection Write your answers to these questions in your journal as a group. 1. Pick the type of fish that you would be if you lived in the Great Barrier Reef. And why you picked that fish? 2. What are the daily needs for survival in the Great Barrier Reef? 3. Why is the coral reef habitat important to the world? 4. Is the Great Barrier Reef being affected by outside factors? If yes, what is hurting the Reef? 5. What are ways that humans are affecting the living environment? Both positive and negative. 6. What can be done to save the Coral Reef?
Conclusion You have learned in depth about The Great Barrier Reef, the species that live in the reef, the divers who explore the reef and the environmentalist who help to save the reef. I hope that through your studies of the reef you have learned ways in which you can save the reef. If we don’t save the habitat of the reef and the species, we may not be able to see the beauty that the reef has to offer in a few years. I encourage you to keep the information that you have learned and to find ways in which you can save the environment.
In future classes: We are going to take a virtual google earth tour of the Great Barrier Reef. We are going to read “Wonders of the World” to further our understanding of the reef. We are going to vote to keep the Great Barrier Reef as a Natural Wonder of the World. Later we are going to write an informative essay about the reef. You will each make a poster about ways to save the coral reef.
Evaluation You will be graded according to the following rubric: Rubric You have done a great job exploring the Great Barrier Reef! Maybe in the future you will be able to plan a trip to Australia to dive and explore!
Books/Movies: The Great Barrier Reef: History, Science, Heritage by James Bowen and Margarita Bowen The Great Barrier Reef: History, Science, Heritage IMAX Presents - The Great Barrier Reef ~ Philip L. Clarke, Rosalind Ayres, and David Gulpilil IMAX Presents - The Great Barrier Reef Innovative Kids Readers: The Great Barrier Reef - An Undersea Adventure (Innovativekids Readers) by Susan Ring Innovative Kids Readers: The Great Barrier Reef - An Undersea Adventure (Innovativekids Readers)