Warm Up - Partner 1)How thick is the Crust, Mantle, and Core. 2)Based on the thickness of the layers, use a real life example to demonstrate the thickness of each layer. Example: The ladder is 40 ft long or roughly two stories tall.
4.1 Layers of the Earth and Convection Objective: SWBAT identify the layers of the Earth and explain the various mechanisms that drive movement of lithospheric plates HW- Finish your layers foldable Agenda: Warm Up Objective Guided Notes Videos Earth foldable Exit Ticket
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER! WHY ARE WE LEARNING THIS? SWBAT identify the layers of the Earth by name, composition, thickness & density SWBAT explain the 3 different movements of tectonic plates & the mechanism causing such movements. 3
Slices of the Earth Scale Model Directions Pass out
Color Guide LayerColor CrustGreen LithosphereBrown Upper-MantleYellow Lower-MantleYellow – Orange Outer CoreOrange Inner CoreRed
What did the world look like 1 million years ago?
Draw and Label the Following Diagram
Inner Core 1200 km = 745 miles Miami to Charlotte
Outer Core 2250km = 1398 miles Miami to NYC
Mantle 2900 km = 1802 miles Miami to the tip of maine Composition: Magma/Rock State of Matter: Semi-Solid
Crust 11 CONTINENTAL Older Less Dense than Oceanic Crust Thicker OCEANIC Younger Mores dense than Continental Crust Covered by water Forms when plates separate
Crust km = miles Carowinds to UNCC
LITHOSPHERE – What is it? Combination of BOTH Crust & Upper Mantle 13
Critical Thinking Whiteboards INFER: What makes hot air balloons rise??
The entire surface of the earth is divided into tectonic plates that are constantly moving. How do they move??
Mantle Video
Convection The transfer of heat in the asthenosphere due to unequal heating from the core as magma heats up and rises, then cools down and sinks Moves the tectonic plates
Critical Thinking Whiteboard What is the connection between convection in the Earth’s Layers and Hot Air Balloons?
Mantle Video II
Density Which box is more dense?
Now, which is more dense?
What is density? D = m/v D = Density m = mass V = volume
White Board Activity Question: How does density relate to the layers of the Earth? Layers are divided by density. Question: How fast are the continents moving apart? Roughly 1.5 cm/year
What would your reaction be… When you are cold? When you are hot? Cold = fold arms, get close to someone, or rap in a blanket. Hot = less clothes, more spaced out, and don’t want to be as close to other people.
Same goes for particles How do particles change when they are cold and hot? Colder particles Hotter particles Cold objects: More dense Warm objects: Less Dense
Real World Application
DEMO Convection Currents (two colors) Floating Plate (fish tank with floating plate)
Exit Ticket 1.What is convection? 2.In which layer does convection take place? 3.What is the heat source for convection? 4.What layer makes up the tectonic plates? 5.What layer of the earth is the most dense? 6.What layer of the earth is the least dense?