USMC WOUNDED WARRIOR REGIMENT 2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference LtCol Jessica Bradley 23 February 2011
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Mission Provide and facilitate assistance to Wounded, Ill, and Injured Marines, Sailors attached to or in support of Marine units, and their family members in order to assist them as they return to duty or transition to civilian life.
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Staying Connected Marines taking care of Marines and their families. The WWR has a strategic reach and can connect with Marines in locations around the globe.
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Marines Supported As of 18 Feb 2011 Joined to the WWR 468 Active Duty Supported by the WWR 2,188 Veteran’s Supported by the WWR 23,250 TOTAL 25,906
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Expected LIMDU Period IDES Additional Recovery and Treatment Time Return to Duty / Transition 12 months Unknown350 Days Transition -Return to Duty -Civilian Life Point of Injury Whole –Mentally -Physically -Emotionally MEDICAL Ensure delivery of world class medical care BODY Strengthen the Marine’s body through physical activity and nutrition to develop life-long healthy habits SPIRIT Reignite the spark within the Marine by providing a sense of belonging, purpose, and pride, and a renewed sense of self-confidence FAMILY Encourage, nurture, and guide the Marine’s family through the recovery process and beyond Mandatory Lines of Operation Comprehensive Transition Plan MIND Provide activities to improve the Marine’s self-worth, mental stability, a sense of purpose, and clarity of mind TBI PTSD Cancer Motorcycle Accident Amputation Maximizing Recovery Time A Marine’s mind, body, spirit and family are not just healed; they are strengthened and improved.
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Improving Self Worth MIND Comprehensive web-based employment toolbox Guides WII Marines and families through the employment process and provides a range of employment resources and referral information
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Improving Self-Esteem Body Providing activities that reignite the Marine’s “spark” Competition builds camaraderie Activities are based on Marine’s medical capability Activities: –Warrior Athlete Reconditioning Program –Unit PT –Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Empowering Marines to draw on their proven warrior skills to persevere and overcome adversity.
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Strengthening From the Inside Out Spirit The WWR works to strengthen a Marine from the inside out. WWR staff provides resources and programs that work to improve a Marine’s self-esteem, self-confidence, and self- worth. This is achieved through: –Marine Leadership –Mentorship –Counseling –Athletics –Community Service –Chaplain Care There are some things medicine and technology cannot heal, where scalpel cannot reach and therapy cannot alter.
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS 2011 Games 16 – 22 May Warrior Games
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS Support for the Entire Family Family Readiness Officers –Support families of staff Family Support Coordinators –Support families of wounded/ill/injured –A deputy at each detachment –Keeping It All Together welcome packet and one-on-one orientation Communication –Two-way feedback: town halls and focus groups –Remote and isolated families Programs –Care for the Caregiver Workshop –Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS) The WWR understands support must be comprehensive, to include the needs of families and caregivers. Family Carol Guzy
United States Marines Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment UNCLASS For More Information WWR Website ( –Brochure –Fact Sheet Library Includes What Commanders Need to Know TSGLI Benefits and Compensation Recovery Coordination Program (Recovery Care Coordinators) Family Support Staff Clinical Services Staff Follow us on Facebook Sgt Merlin German Wounded Warrior Call Center –24 / 7 at