Mathematics at the end of KS3
New GCSE 2017 A new grading system will be introduced. Grading will be on a nine point scale, with 9 being the highest available grade.
End of year 9 exams National curriculum testing at the end of year 9 will stay the same Results will be used to forecast GCSE number grades National curriculum number levels and GCSE number grades are NOT the same
How can you support Ensure child is ready to learn, with correct equipment for example. Check homework is done Encourage revision for assessments Seek guidance on revision materials. Scientific Calculator Once a week, Mymaths Once or twice a term Eg Mathswatch, and/or revision guides.
DFE study The amount of time students said they spent on homework strongly predicted better academic attainment at GCSE and also better progress across KS2 to KS4. Students spending between 2 and 3 hours on homework on an average weeknight (during Year 9) were almost 10 times more likely to achieve 5 A*-C (OR=9.97) than students who did not spend any time on homework. A similar result was found for the time spent on homework during Year 11 (OR=9.61) Influences on students’ GCSE attainment and progress at age 16, DFE, September 2014, Pam Sammons et Al. _Influences_on_Students_GCSE_Attainment_and_Progress_at_Age_16_Brief.pdf