By: Emily Toothman
Made with a central iron core & rocky mantle. 863 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is one of the two planets in our solar system that doesn’t have a moon, Mercury being the other. Description
96.5% carbon dioxide 3.5% nitrogen 0.015% sulfur dioxide 0.007% argon 0.002% water vapor % carbon monoxide % helium % neon Trace of carbonyl sulfide Trace of hydrogen chloride Trace of hydrogen fluoride Atmosphere
Rotations It takes Venus 243 Earth days to make one full rotation on its axis. It takes Venus Earth days to make a full rotation around the sun.
Distance Venus is.72 AUs from the sun, or 108,200,000 km.
Venus’s diameter is 12,103.6 km, 95% of Earth’s diameter. Size
Venus is the brightest planet in our solar system. Venus is the roman goddess of love & beauty. Venus’s day is longer than its year, meaning it takes Venus longer to rotate on its axis than it does for it to revolve around the sun. Fun Facts :D
Where you can learn more: The Solar System Poster