Year 11 GCSE Mathematics 2015/16 Key Information for Pupils and Parents
Course Overview Linear Examination 100% Exam - No coursework Higher (A*-D) Foundation (C-G) 1 x Non-Calculator Paper 1 x Calculator Paper
Key Dates MOCK EXAMS Testing GCSE topics covered since year 9 Non-Calculator Paper - w/c 30 th Nov 2015 Calculator Paper - w/c 14 th March 2016 GCSE EXAMS Paper 1 Non-Calculator - Thursday 26 th May 2016 Paper 2 Calculator - Thursday 9 th June 2016
‘Maths may be difficult but not impossible’ Self motivation - build on your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Perseverance - struggle and frustration are a natural part of learning maths so make every effort to see mistakes and setbacks as learning opportunities to improve. Resilience and grit - keep working hard even when the going gets tough.
Assessment Pupils have previously and will continue to be regularly assessed by completing End of Unit Tests (based on past GCSE questions) Mock exams All results (% and grade) will be recorded on your son/daughters student guide as well as test papers put into their folders for you to see and discuss with your child
Supporting Your Child - Equipment The following equipment is required for all lessons and exams Scientific Calculator Black pen Pencil Rubber Ruler 360º protractor Pair of Compasses Pencil Sharpener Highlighter pen
Supporting Your Child – In school Morning registration lessons offered to targeted groups to revise topics and learn good exam techniques Lunchtime homework/classwork club Student guides containing topic lists Exercise books containing key points to a topic and model examples First Attempt In Learning books (FAIL) Topic-based questions put into student folders Past practice papers
Exam Technique
Question Have you included all the information in the question onto the diagram before you attempt the question? Circle key words/identify meanings - word associations Method Have you clearly shown your calculations? Is your method set out in a logical order? Have you given explanations for any values you have used? Look at the number of marks as a guide to how much working out is required. Answer Is it sensible? E.g. A man running 75mph as an answer! Have you rounded appropriately? (3 sf unless told otherwise) Have you given the units for your answer e.g area = cm 2 or m 2, etc
Supporting Your Child - Revision AQA on-line textbook (student access codes will be provided by the school via ) MyMaths Learning resource to consolidate and practise skills Login = chester1, Password = integer → Choose either Number, Algebra, Shape or Data → Topic → Lesson. GCSE past papers Collins Revision Guide + Exam Practice Workbook (£4 from the school shop) Recommended websites Corbettmaths Mr Barton Maths
After-School Revision Classes In the past staff have run classes on the build up to the final exam on a voluntary basis. Pupils will hear from their classroom teacher if such an arrangement is to take place
GCSE Results 2015 MATHEMATICS A*-C = 77.4 % (Boys = 77.1%, Girls = 77.7%) A*/A - 26% STATISTICS A*-C = 100 % A*/A - 90%