Tips for Parents of Teenage Drivers BALANCING LIFE’S ISSUES
Objectives Review statistics on teen driving Know major causes of accidents Understand factors to determine driving readiness Strategies for parents
Teen Driving Statistics Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers. 16-year-olds are three times more likely to die in a motor vehicle crash than the average of all drivers. Teen drivers have the highest crash risk of any age group.
Did you know…. According to a survey by The Allstate Foundation: 56% of young drivers use cell phones while driving. Over 64% of teens say that they speed to keep up with traffic or to go through a yellow light. 47% of teens say that passengers sometimes distract them. 24% of parents say they have allowed their teen driving privileges against their own better judgment. 89% of teens say their parents are most influential in encouraging safer driving.
Major Causes of Teen-Involved Motor Vehicle Accidents Texting Talking on cell phone Inexperience/driver error Attitudes/decision making abilities Low risk perception Speeding Distraction from other passengers Night driving
Is My Teen Ready to Drive? Parents should ask themselves: Does my teen make good decisions and demonstrate good judgment and responsibility in other major life areas? Does he have a good attitude and respect for the responsibility of driving? Does he seem excessively apprehensive or overly confident? Does he show good coordination of his senses? Does he tend to give into peer pressure? How does my teen manage his emotions? Will it effect his driving? Is he willing to respect my ground rules for driving as well as the rules of the road? Consider a graduated drivers license.
Strategies for Parents Don’t rely solely on driver’s education to discuss the risks, responsibilities and importance of safe driving– beginning at an early age, frequently talk with your child about these issues Be involved and provide the majority of supervised driving practice before, during and after your teen receives his license Establish and enforce driving ground rules Restrict newly licensed teen to lower-risk situations and gradually phase in more driving privileges as your teen gains more experience and maturity Share your rules with other parents and become aware of theirs Know and enforce local and state driving laws
Strategies for Parents Restrict the number of passengers Require seatbelt use and prohibit alcohol Limit night driving, risky times and in bad weather Remember to be a model of safe driving behavior Don’t rush the process - some teens need more time and practice to be ready Stress that driving is a privilege
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