Work Experience 11th July -15th July 2016
Placements There are two types of Work Experience placements: Self Placement – Organising your own, you must speak to Mrs Jones – Work Related & Vocational Co ordinator, you may then be given a form to take to an employer DO NOT APPROACH ANY EMPLOYER UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD YOU CAN This is the best way to get the experience you want Deadline : 1 st December 2015 ABSOLUTELY NO MORE AFTER THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
Grove Placement – your placement will be arranged by school All students will initially complete a Work Experience Application Form This will give us a guide to what you would like to do There is no guarantee that you will be placed where you would like to go This is an experience of the working world, not a career choice You must have your own transport
CONSENT FORM A consent form must be completed by parent / carer and returned to Mrs Jones by 16 October, students will not be placed any where until you have returned this form Please ensure the form is signed in two places and all sections completed before returning REMEMBER YOU CANNOT GO ON WORK EXPERIENCE WITHOUT THIS FORM BEING RETURNED FULLY COMPLETED
WORK EXPERIENCE TIMELINE Put this up at home for memorable dates September 2015 WORK EXPERIENCE application form to be filled in by students in tutor time. Consent forms filled in. Self-placements documents commence. November 2015 INFORMATION EVENING Thursday 19 November 7.00 pm. December 2015 Placing students on Work Experience begins by Mrs Jones. Self placements continue, but all paperwork should be completed by the 1 st December March 2016 Students to be informed of placements. March 2016 Students write letter to employers in tutor time June 2016 Final preparations during tutor time. July 2016 WORK EXPERIENCE DEBRIEF. Students are expected to complete a presentation. November 2016WORK EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATES OF EXCELLENCE PRESENTED IN ASSEMBLY.
WORK EXPERIENCE EVENING Our annual Work Experience evening is on Thursday 19 th November at 7.00 p.m. in the main hall, you will all have a letter to take home with more information later in the term This is a very important information evening for both you as students and parents You will have the opportunity to see what Year 11 did in July You will be able to talk to employers You will be able to talk to outside support staff You will be able to talk to staff from Grove School
Other opportunities RAF/ Army – You will already have applied for this in Year 9 if you had decided to take up this opportunity. It is now too late. Muller Dairy – A letter of application to Mrs A Allen Attingham Park ( National Trust)- An application by form, please see Mrs Jones Leonard Brothers ( Vets) An application by form, please collect from Mrs Jones – Tern Veterinary Group - A letter of application to Mrs T Pendlebury. Stoke City Football Club (Coaching) – A letter of application to Mrs Jones, we have ONE place.
NHS Hospital – visit then follow these links: Working with others Vacancies & recruitment Work Experience
Help with your application For any application either by letter or by form, once completed must be first shown to your Tutor, when it has been checked, it will be sent out by Mrs Jones You need to sell yourself, why me?, what interests do you have that make you the right person for your chosen placement?, what do I want to do in the future?, find out something about the company you are applying to You must have your own transport
Who else can I go to for information and advice ? I will be available to discuss any Work Experience problems, my office is located at the back of the library. Your tutor will be your main support for Work Experience, please also speak with your Progress Leader Mr Littleford who will also help you throughout the process GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE