Outreach to Health Professionals Award Enhancing Access to Mental Health Information for Health Professionals in Northeastern Pennsylvania The Commonwealth Medical College - Medical Library May 2014 to April 2015 Purpose Project Activities (cont’d) Project Activities Acknowledgements Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators. The Award is designed to provide Health Professionals in Northeastern Pennsylvania with enhanced access to, and training on how to locate, high quality, evidence-based mental health information available through the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and other reputable sources. The Outreach to Health Professionals Award, Enhancing Access to Mental Health Information for Health Professionals in Northeastern Pennsylvania, has made it possible for The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC) to sponsor one or more sessions at a regional Mental Health Symposium focused on specialized populations for health professionals throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania, and to exhibit, and provide training and information sessions throughout the year to Health Professionals in TCMC’s service area. Purchase books and DVDs in specialized areas of mental health, and make them available to health professionals, their patients and families, and also to registered library users of the Lackawanna County Library System and AccessPA. Develop the NEPA Mental Health Information LibGuide, with a focus on the following specialized mental health populations: Hispanics / Latinos; LGBT; military / veterans; teens/ youth; and seniors. nformation nformation Develop and distribute a pre-test and post-test questionnaire, in order to identify the mental health information, and information literacy needs of the health professional population. Exhibit and provide mental health information training sessions at conferences, grand rounds, symposia and workshops for health professionals throughout our 16-county region. Serve as a sponsor for the Spring 2015 TCMC Mental Health Symposium, on Child Abuse. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System. We are grateful to Dr. Valerie D. Weber, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Erin Dunleavy, Assistant Director of Assessment and Karen Baker, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs, all at TCMC. Project Goals 1.Improve access to high quality mental health information for health professionals without access to a medical librarian. 2.Increase awareness about the resources and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). 3.Promote, and improve access to, mental health information. Principal Investigator Joanne Muellenbach, MLS, D-AHIP Co-Investigators JoAnn Babish, MSLS Bridget Conlogue, MLIS, AHIP Allyson Urie, MLIS