Islamic Research and Information Center Quran Recitation © 2001 Mr.Sa ’ atchi & Mr.Alaei Islamic Research and Information Center
O, you who believe! Do not devour each other ’ s wealth in vanity and illegal way: the profit obtained should be by trading or mutual consent. And do not kill yourself (and your fellow creatures) since, Allah is highly merciful towards you, people O, you who believe! Do not devour each other ’ s wealth in vanity and illegal way: the profit obtained should be by trading or mutual consent. And do not kill yourself (and your fellow creatures) since, Allah is highly merciful towards you, people (Surah: Nesa ’, Verse: 29) (Surah: Nesa ’, Verse: 29) Islamic Research and Information Center
And if the people of the towns had believed and tried to be pious, We would have opened upon them (gates of) blessings from the heaven and the earth; but they belied Our signs and Miracles and We seized them for what they used to do. And if the people of the towns had believed and tried to be pious, We would have opened upon them (gates of) blessings from the heaven and the earth; but they belied Our signs and Miracles and We seized them for what they used to do. (Surah: A ’ araf, Verse: 96) (Surah: A ’ araf, Verse: 96) Islamic Research and Information Center
And (O, you who believe!) know that your wealth and your children are but a trial and that with Allah is the best reward (for those who pass this trial, successfully). And (O, you who believe!) know that your wealth and your children are but a trial and that with Allah is the best reward (for those who pass this trial, successfully). (Surah : Anfal, Verse : 28) (Surah : Anfal, Verse : 28) Islamic Research and Information Center
THE END Islamic Research and Information Center صدق الله العلی العظيم