Thoracic Surgery 9/7/14– 9/13/14 Jamie Wade Praveen Sridhar
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Wade 9/8 Tracheal papillomas Rigid and flexible bronch with ablation Cassano/Wade 9/9 Right lung mass Right VATS, right lower lobe wedge resection Cassano/Wade 9/9 Left upper lobe lesionLeft VATS, left upper lobectomy Cassano/Wade 9/9 Lung mass Flexible bronchoscopy with biopsies, EBUS Cassano/Wade Sridhar 9/9 Mediastinal massRight VATS, mediastinal biopsy Shah/Wade 9/10 Left lung nodulesLeft VATS, left wedge resection Shah/Wade 9/10 Left chest wall mass Excision left tenth rib and chest wall mass
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Shah/Sridhar 9/10 Esophageal strictureUpper endoscopy and dilation Shah/Sridhar 9/10 Recurrent hiatal hernia, nausea and vomiting Upper endoscopy and dilation Shah/Wade 9/10 Loculated pleural effusion Left VATS with pleurectomy, decortication and pleural biopsies Cassano/Wade 9/12 RUL lung cancer Right vats, RUL wedge resection Nicolato/Sridhar 9/12 Infected bronchiectesisRight VATS, RL lobectomy Shah 9/12 Hx esophageal perforation and stent with leak around stent EGD with replacement of stent
Death and Complications Attending/ ResidentDATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Shah/Zoon9/7 Esophageal perforation/8-14 EGD with stent placement, drainage of mediastinal and peritoneal abscess Readmission, brachiocephalic DVT, esophageal leak