VA Vascular Surgery Dan Newton Nina Wickramaratne 8/8/14 - 8/14/14
Cases AttendingResidentIDIndicationProcedure 8/8AmendolaNewtonSymptomatic carotid stenosis CEA 8/11Pfeifer Amendola NewtonAAAEVAR PfeiferWickrama- ratne AAAEVAR AmendolaNewtonInfected fem-pop graft Removal of graft, vein patch x2 8/13AmendolaNewtonClaudicationGroin exploration, angioplasty and stenting AmendolaNewtonSymptomatic subclavian AV fistula Angiography 8/14AmendolaNewtonNon-maturing AVF, ESRD Fistuloplasty, covered stent placement AmendolaNewtonESRDAV graft
Complications Att/ResIDProcedureComplication Amendola Newton CEACVA Amendola Newton Angioplasty and stentingStent thrombosis AmendolaFistuloplastyRupture of vein requiring covered stent placement