X-ray emission properties of BLAGN in the XMM-2dF Wide Angle Survey S. Mateos, M.G. Watson, J. A. Tedds and the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester
Motivation Wide field surveys are essential to compile large enough samples of objects at 2-10 keV fluxes ~ cgs to characterise the dominant population contributing to the Cosmic X-ray Background (CXRB) The sample of BLAGN in XMM-2dF Wide Angle Survey is one of the largest samples of X- ray selected BLAGN assembled so far Unique resource to study the overall optical and X-ray emission properties of the population of faint Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Continuum shape, soft excess and X-ray absorption propertiesContinuum shape, soft excess and X-ray absorption properties Constrain the fraction of X-ray absorbed BLAGN and the distribution of column densitiesConstrain the fraction of X-ray absorbed BLAGN and the distribution of column densities Cosmic evolution of the emission properties and dependence with X-ray luminosityCosmic evolution of the emission properties and dependence with X-ray luminosity
XMM-2dF Wide Angle Survey 2dF optical multi-fibre spectroscopy on the AAT obtained for 68 XMM-Newton fields (t exp ~ few tens of ksec) over an area of >15deg 2 More than 3000 sources with X-ray fluxes above ~ cgs and optical counterparts brighter than V~21 observed and reduced. 978 serendipitous X-ray sources with S ( keV)> erg cm -2 s -1 spectroscopically identified: 641 BLAGN (65.5%) 157 NELG (16%) 57 Gal (5.8%) 123 Stars (12.6%)
BLAGN in the XMM-2dF Wide Angle Survey All 119 XMM-Newton observations with overlap on the original area covered by the 2dF observations reprocessed using the latest pipeline of the second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue 2XMM (pre-release: 2XMMp available at Typical fluxes~break in the X-ray source counts 2-10 keV flux
X-ray spectral analysis Co-added MOS and pn spectra obtained for each object Selected 496 from 641 BLAGN with XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of sufficient quality for detailed X-ray spectral analysis Simple power law and absorbed power law model fits Single-source analysis of brightest objects to constrain the presence and properties of additional spectral components (such as soft excess) in progress >70% objects with more than 150 EPIC net cts
=1.96 ± 0.05 =0.22 ± 0.03 BLAGN overall emission properties: broad band continuum shape Most BLAGN spectra from keV (observer frame) best fitted with a power law although significant intrinsic dispersion in measured values detected
BLAGN overall emission properties: broad band continuum shape No clear trend with redshift up to z~4 The apparent hardening of at higher z produced by undetected soft excess emission at lower z
BLAGN overall emission properties: broad band continuum shape Continuum shape does not show obvious dependence with X-ray luminosity 2-10 keV lum
BLAGN overall emission properties: intrinsic X-ray absorption X-ray absorption detected (F-test≥95%) in 38 BLAGN (~8%) BLAGN at z=0.132 =1.55 ± 0.2 N H =22.2 ± 0.3 cm -2 log (L 2-10 )=43.53 cgs kT=0.20 ± 0.04 keV
BLAGN overall emission properties: broad band continuum shape The hardening of with X-ray flux known to be mostly due to undetected X-ray absorption Best fit values 2-10 keV flux keV flux
BLAGN overall emission properties: intrinsic X-ray absorption No correlation between and N H Typical values of absorbing column density N H ~10 21 cm -2 For sources with N H >10 22 cm -2 existing correlation of optical and X-ray emission properties unclear
BLAGN overall emission properties: intrinsic X-ray absorption Fraction of absorbed BLAGN does not depend on X-ray luminosity or redshift = 44.2 unabsorbed BLAGN = 44.2 unabsorbed BLAGN = 44.3 absorbed BLAGN = 44.3 absorbed BLAGN
BLAGN overall emission properties: intrinsic X-ray absorption No evident dependence of absorbing column density with luminosity or redshift
Conclusions keV emission of most BLAGN is best fitted with a power law mean continuum shape ~1.96 mean continuum shape ~1.96 intrinsic dispersion ~0.22 intrinsic dispersion ~0.22 Continuum shape no significant evolution up to redshifts of ~4 no significant evolution up to redshifts of ~4 no luminosity dependence in range erg s -1 no luminosity dependence in range erg s -1 Absorbed BLAGN do not seem to occur preferentially at any particular redshift or luminosity redshift or luminosity X-ray absorption detected in ~8% of our BLAGN observed hardening of mean continuum shape with keV flux observed hardening of mean continuum shape with keV flux suggests that X-ray absorption is still undetected in a number of suggests that X-ray absorption is still undetected in a number of objects in our sample objects in our sample no obvious dependence with redshift or luminosity no obvious dependence with redshift or luminosity typical values ~10 21 cm -2 –a substantial fraction with detected typical values ~10 21 cm -2 –a substantial fraction with detected N H >10 22 cm -2 N H >10 22 cm -2 Existing correlation of optical and X-ray properties unclear Existing correlation of optical and X-ray properties unclear
XMM-2dF Wide Angle Survey Leicester University (UK) Mullard Space Science Laboratory-UCL (UK) Instituto de Física de Cantabria CSIC-UC (Spain Instituto de Física de Cantabria CSIC-UC (Spain) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (Germany) on behalf of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre
Conclusions(I) The keV emission of most BLAGN is best fitted with a power law with mean continuum shape of ~1.96 although with a significant intrinsic dispersion of ~0.22 around the mean measured valueThe keV emission of most BLAGN is best fitted with a power law with mean continuum shape of ~1.96 although with a significant intrinsic dispersion of ~0.22 around the mean measured value The overal X-ray emission properties (continuumThe overal X-ray emission properties (continuum shape and X-ray absorption) of our BLAGN do not shape and X-ray absorption) of our BLAGN do not seem to show any significant evolution up to redshifts seem to show any significant evolution up to redshifts of ~4 or luminosity dependence within the luminosity of ~4 or luminosity dependence within the luminosity range erg s -1 range erg s -1 X-ray absorption was detected in ~8% of our BLAGN, although the observed hardening of the mean continuum shape with keV flux suggests that X-ray absorption is still undetected in a number of objects in our sampleX-ray absorption was detected in ~8% of our BLAGN, although the observed hardening of the mean continuum shape with keV flux suggests that X-ray absorption is still undetected in a number of objects in our sample
Conclusions(II) The observed absorption column densities in our sample of BLAGN have typical values ~10 21 cm -2, whithout obvious dependence with redshift or luminosityThe observed absorption column densities in our sample of BLAGN have typical values ~10 21 cm -2, whithout obvious dependence with redshift or luminosity Absorbed BLAGN do not seem to occur preferentially at any particular redshift or luminosityAbsorbed BLAGN do not seem to occur preferentially at any particular redshift or luminosity