1 Deep spectroscopic redshift surveys are a central tool to modern Astrophysics Deep redshift surveys (z>0.3) have shaped our current understanding: CFRS (1995) LBG surveys (Steidel et al ) DEEP/DEEP2 (2005+) VVDS (2005+) Compare high redshift to low redshift spectroscopic surveys Knowledge of the sources: physical informations available Redshift information with ~100km/s accuracy enables to look for 3D distribution A basis for robust selection for detailed follow-ups Important serendipitous capabilities Understand galaxy formation and evolution Understand LSS formation and evolution Measure Cosmology parameters 600z z
2 Deep spectroscopic surveys at ESO and elsewhere Deep spectroscopic surveys at ESO and elsewhere years ago: CFHT-MOS, EFOSC, EMMI, OPTOPUS/MEFOS, CFRS, 600z, z~1 ESP, 3000z, z~0.3 VVDS/VIMOS: created a new expertise in Europe Now at the VLT, several spectroscopic surveys covering up to z~6 VIMOS: VVDS (50000z, up to z=5), zCOSMOS (25000z, up to z=3), GOODS (7000z), UDF (5000z), VIPERS (100,000z, z~1) FORS2: GMASS, UDF FLAMES/GIRAFFE, SINFONI: follow-ups
3 VIMOS -VLT-UT3 A highly efficient high redshift machine in operations since 2002 on the VLT
4 Multi-slit mode Low res. High res.
5 Survey selection function: a key element Survey selection function: a key element VVDS is magnitude limited, I-band (CFRS like) Probes to UV as z increase: a bias “easy” to work with Enables a complete census of the population probed Only other survey today with this selection: zCOSMOS Most other surveys are color + magnitude/flux (+shape) selected LBG, BM/BX, BzK, EROs LAE, H , …
6 VIMOS VLT Deep Survey VIMOS VLT Deep Survey R~230, Å ~50000 spectra ~50000 spectra 50+ papers published so far
Total VVDS N(z), 17.5≤IAB≤
Basic counts 8 Magnitude selection is more complete than color selection
VVDS has complete samples in other bands 9
10 Serendipitous power in VVDS Serendipitous power in VVDS Slits: 1”x5-20” VVDS target Photometrically invisible Lya emitter Target spectrum Serendipitous 1216Å 1200 slits, 3.3 arcmin 2, Å, 65000s 8000 slits, 22.2 arcmin 2, AA, 16000s 200 LAEs identified 2<z<6.5 (Cassata et al., in prep.) DO IT ON WIDE !!!
11 VVDS: enables follow-ups VVDS: enables follow-ups Select galaxies from a large and unbiased sample before to study the physics of galaxy assembly SINFONI obs. of VVDS galaxies 1<z<2 Epinat et al., arXiv: (today)arXiv: merger perturbed disc MASSIV
VVDS prepared/prepares the future z-surveys VVDS heritage zCOSMOS VIPERS New generation VIMOS surveys z>3 survey, proposed New generation facilities, multi-slit JWST EELT EUCLID 12
VVDS Highlights PaperYearCitationRate Survey epoch CDFS Galex-VVDS Photoz LF global Galex LF LF type MF VLA Growth rate Color-density Mass assembly Clustering per type Bias All works are great ! Attempt to look at the key papers, per citation Some flops, strangely: - Population census z~3, Nature, 2005 (33) - LD, 2007 (30) - - VVDS-SWIRE clustering, 2007 (3) 13