Tony Nan and Hongjun Kim Div.8
Influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, value, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. An excuse the weak-minded use when they do something. stupid, for example, “all my friends are doing it”, “all the cool kids are doing it”, “I want to be like the cool kids”
Your friends tell you to do something. stupid. He says, “it’s okay, no one will know, I won’t tell”. You skip school with your friends to go do something. you shouldn’t be doing, like going to the mall. You feel guilty, but your friends say it’s alright, so you go ahead and do it. Tony’s example: Hongjun is getting better grades than Tony on socials tests. Tony is feeling stupid but realizes that he has to study. So lately he has been trying really hard and now he is getting better marks just like Hongjun.
Can finish our homework on time If you have bad habits like smoking, your friends would say quit it or they will be not your friend Can work harder and better than before
Wrong decision Cultivate bad habits Lose identity Forcing people to smoke and drink alcohol Can use a lot of money by dressing as well as my friends like Tony
and-positive-effects-of-peer-pressure.htmlhttp:// and-positive-effects-of-peer-pressure.html r_pressure.html r_pressure.html Center/Virtual_Library/Peer_Pressure/ m Center/Virtual_Library/Peer_Pressure/ m