Epilepsy in Kenya Guidelines Long March
The Epilepsy Scene in Kenya Need for Guidelines Epilepsy Prevalence – 18.6 / 1000 Epilepsy Prevalence – 18.6 / million PWE 1 million PWE 60% - 80% untreated (minimum 600,000) 60% - 80% untreated (minimum 600,000) 1 Neurologist 2,000,000 population 1 Neurologist 2,000,000 population 1 Neurologist 67,000 PWE 1 Neurologist 67,000 PWE
Health personnel per 100,000 population Doctors15.4 Doctors15.4 Dentists2.5 Dentists2.5 Clinical Officers15.3 Clinical Officers15.3 Nurses KRN31.4 Nurses KRN31.4 Nurses EN95.2 Nurses EN95.2 Public Health Off3.0 Public Health Off3.0 Health tech17.2 Health tech17.2 WHO
Medical Role sharing Publicity and awareness Publicity and awareness Policy makers and Service Providers / Recipients Policy makers and Service Providers / Recipients Empower all those who have prescribing privileges Empower all those who have prescribing privileges Clinical Officers & Nurses Clinical Officers & Nurses (Pharmacists / Dentists) (Pharmacists / Dentists) Standardize management Standardize management Diagnosis Diagnosis Drugs choice and usage Drugs choice and usage Data Collection Data Collection
Person Centred Care PWE encouraged to participate in their care Make informed decisions on their care taking into account personal, cultural and economic issues Make informed decisions on their care taking into account personal, cultural and economic issues Women in child bearing years Women in child bearing years Adolescents Adolescents School going children School going children Empowerment for self care Empowerment for self care Reduce the number of visits to doctors Reduce the number of visits to doctors (Cost of Health care for Govt. and Individual)
Sunset of Ignorance & Stigma