The War of 1812: Mr. Madison’s War; or “The Second War for Independence?” Or Upper Canada Preserved?
James Madison Wins
Madison’s Policies Embargo (O-grab-me) Repealed at end of Jefferson’s ter, Embargo (O-grab-me) Repealed at end of Jefferson’s ter, Replaced by Non-Intercourse Act Replaced by Non-Intercourse Act Replaced by Macon’s Bill # Replaced by Macon’s Bill # Napoleon Claimed to respect U.S. Neutrality. (He lied) Napoleon Claimed to respect U.S. Neutrality. (He lied) British Repealed Orders-in-Council British Repealed Orders-in-Council
Madison’s Rationale for War
Madison Wins Again
Maritime Issues Neutral Rights of Shipping Neutral Rights of Shipping Impressment Impressment
War Hawks
Frontier Issues Western Land Hunger Western Land HungerCanadaFlorida Indian Problems in the NW and SW Indian Problems in the NW and SW
No Trees on the Prairie?
Vote On War Against England House= House= Senate= Senate= “The suspense was hell!” RM Johnson
Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief
William Henry Harrison
Official Portrait: “Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too”
Tenskawatawa, “The Prophet” Zero Factor?
Battle of the Thames “ Rumsey, Dumsey, Richard Johnson Killed Tecumseh ”
Military Theaters of Operation
Sir Isaac Brock, Defender of Canada
Sack of Washington
Not So White House
Admiral George Cockburn
“Dolley” Payne Madison
Fort McHenry
Captain James Lawrence
‘ We have met the enemy and he is ours.” Oliver Hazard Perry after the Battle of Put In Bay on Lake Erie
Commander Thomas McDonough
Hartford Convention Reaction to Virginia Dynasty and Unpopularity of “Mr. Madison’s War Reaction to Virginia Dynasty and Unpopularity of “Mr. Madison’s War Abolish 3/5s clause for determining House of Representatives Abolish 3/5s clause for determining House of Representatives 2/3rds vote to declare war or admit new states 2/3rds vote to declare war or admit new states No embargoes of more than 60 days No embargoes of more than 60 days No foreign-born to hold federal offices No foreign-born to hold federal offices 1 term presidents 1 term presidents No successive presidents from same state No successive presidents from same state
Treaty of Ghent
Hero of Horseshoe Bend
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
Results? National Honor and Pride? National Honor and Pride? Demise of the Federalist Party Demise of the Federalist Party “ Second War of Independence? ” “ Second War of Independence? ” National Heroes and Symbols National Heroes and Symbols Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson W.H. Harrison W.H. Harrison Richard M. Johnson Richard M. Johnson “ Star Spangled Banner “ “ Star Spangled Banner “