VOYAGER 2 Antoine Henderson Fiona Ward
About 722 kg space probe Launched August 20, 1977 Launched before (but eventually passed by) Voyager 1 Operating for 36 years, 1 month, and 27 days (17 Oct) AU from Earth (15 Oct) Still receiving and transmitting via Deep Space Network Current Velocity: km/s (relative to Sun)
Spacecraft Specifications Jet Propulsion Laboratory Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem (AACS) ▫ 16 Hydrazine Thrusters ▫ Three-axis stabilization ▫ Gyroscopes and celestial referencing instruments (Sun sensor/Canopus Star Tracker) ▫ High-gain antenna ▫ 8 back-up thrusters The Golden Record 11 Scientific Instruments ▫ Imaging & Radio systems ▫ Infrared, Ultraviolet, & Plasma Spectrometers ▫ Triaxial Fluxgate Magnetometer ▫ Low Energy Charged Particle Instrument ▫ Cosmic Ray & Plasma Wave systems ▫ Planetary Radio Astronomy Investigation ▫ PhotopolarimeterSystem Power: 3 Multihundred-Watt radioisotope thermoelectric generators (MHW RTG)
Mission Objectives “To extend the NASA exploration of the solar system beyond the neighborhood of the outer planets to the outer limits of the Sun's sphere of influence, and possibly beyond.” –JPL, NASA Characterize outer solar system Discovery & Infiltration of Heliopause Boundary
Accomplishments Only Space Probe to Study All Four Jovian Planets ▫ Jupiter ▫ Saturn ▫ Uranus ▫ Neptune Discovered: ▫ Volcanic Activity on Io ▫ Great Red Spot Was a Storm ▫ Moved in an Anti-Clockwise Motion ▫ Rings of Jupiter ▫ Roughly Determined Structure of Jupiter’s Rings