San Gabriel Valley Water Forum August 28, 2012
Delta LA Aqueduct Colorado River Aqueduct Supplies State Water Project Supplies Sierra Mtns Local Groundwater and Recycling Conservation
Source of data: Colorado Basin River Forecast Center, Station JWRC2 – Joe Wright Average
Surplus Shortage %0% %0% %2% % 14% % 23%
Unused / Surplus Basic Apportionment IID-SDCWA Transfer All-American Canal Coachella Canal PVID, Salton Sea Mitigation Supplies, Other* Storage and Conjunctive Use, Surplus When Available IID-MWD Conservation After Quantification Settlement Agreement
80% Reliability 777 TAF or 24% Less than 2005 Report 61% Reliability
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Delta Smelt Salmon Longfin Smelt San Joaquin Salmon (Potential) NoRestrictionsNoRestrictions Current as of 1/12/10
“More than 15,000 warm temperature records broken”-NOAA “July 2012 being warmest single month on record”-NCDC “Drought-hit U.S. busts heat record from Dust Bowl days”-Reuters
Recent summers have been mild La Niña weather & cooler ocean temperatures Lower temperatures impact demands