Picture File Jacki Richards EDUC 470 April 11, 2015
Content Standards Addressed Seasons and Weather Conditions Kindergarten (Near-future standards) K-ESS2-1. Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K-ESS3-2. Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather. First Grade (Current CSS) 3. Weather can be observed, measured, and described. As a basis for understanding this concept: a. Students know that the weather changes from day to day but that trends in temperature or of rain (or snow) tend to be predictable during a season. b. Students know the sun warms the land, air, and water.
Winter is one of our four seasons Winter is the coldest of all four seasons and often brings snow. In places like Southern California, winters are much more mild. pivotcon.com
Winter = December - March gentx.org
Summer is another one of our four seasons It is considered the warmest of the seasons gentx.org
Summer = June - September imgkid.com
Spring A fairly warm season when flowers bloom and plants grow. wall.alphacoders.com
Spring = March - June zonepict.com
FALL is the time when trees shed their leaves. zonepict.com
FALL = September - December Halloween happens in the Fall!Leaves turn colors and fall from trees.
All four seasons have different basic weather conditions Sun Clouds Rain Snow
SUN The sun shines the most during the SUMMER wallpaperswide.com
CLOUDS Clouds are common during the Winter and Fall and can sometimes cause rain.
RAIN Rain is a result of cloudy weather. Rain is most common during the Winter and Spring.
SNOW Snow is frozen rain! It is common during the Winter. feelgrafix.com
The End!