Local Partnerships for Transportation October 14, 2013 Jennifer B. DeBruhl Director, Local Assistance Division
2 Local Assistance Division Coordinates with District offices and localities on special funding and policy issues Serves as liaison with VACO and VML General Assembly Committees
Local Programs 3 Revenue Sharing Access Programs (EDA, Rec, Airport) Transportation Alternatives Rural Rustic Roads Virginia Byways Local System (Urban/ Secondary) Federal Lands Access Program Coal Severance Urban Construction Initiative Training/ Outreach Locally Administered Projects Devolution
Access Road Programs Economic Development Access Program Assist in providing adequate road access for certain types of developments intended to attract private investment and employment Airport Access Program Assist in providing adequate road access to new or expanding licensed, public-use airports Recreational Access Program Assist in providing adequate road and/or bikeway access to public recreational or historical areas 4
Revenue Sharing FY14 Statewide Participation 5
These projects are intended to improve non- motorized transportation, enhance the public’s travel experience, revitalize communities and improve the quality of life. 6 Transportation Alternatives Program
Local Government Maintenance Payments Urban Maintenance Payments: Total FY14 budget for urban maintenance payments is $336 M Principal/ Minor Arterials = $18,684 per lane mile Local/ Collector Roads = $10,970 per lane mile 3.07% increase over last year’s allocations The increase in allocations to individual localities varied based on system changes to jurisdictions 28 Centerline Miles Added (65 Lane Miles) Arlington/ Henrico Maintenance Payments: New base rate established for FY14 Arlington = $17,218 Henrico = $12,529 Total FY14 budget for Arlington/Henrico maintenance payments is $60 M 7
Program Delivery Reliance on our Local Partners 8 LAP Share of Construction Program Dollars LAP Share of Construction Program Projects
Local Government Stakeholders Group 9
10 September 16-18, 2014 Hotel Roanoke
Local Partnerships for Transportation October 14, 2013 Jennifer B. DeBruhl Director, Local Assistance Division