Local Government Business Continuity, Avian Flu & Emergency Management Roy Mentkow Director, Department of Technology City of Roanoke Virginia
Avian Flu Pandemic What is Pandemic Influenza? When is the next flu pandemic expected?
Community Preparedness for an Influenza Pandemic Government Public Life Education Financial Services Businesses Transportation Communication Networks Sanitation Sewage Energy Resources Water Supply Public Safety Food Supply Medical & Health Servies & Supplies
Business Continuity Planning 1.Analyze your business 2.Assess the risks 3.Develop your strategy 4.Develop your plan 5.Rehearse your plan
1. Analyze your Business Mission Critical Activities Internal Factors Singular Problems/Unique Activities External Influences
2. Assess the Risks Internal/External Threats Liabilities & Exposure Likelihood of Incident Vulnerability Also important to look at: –Worst Case scenarios –Essential functions/staff
3. Develop your Strategy Statement of Purpose of Plan Structure of Crisis Teams Business Recovery Technology Recovery Work Area Recovery Public Information Description of the Premises
4. Develop your Plan Input from cross section of your organization Keep in touch with neighboring businesses. How can you help each other? Find out what information will utility companies need in case of an incident. Who else will be affected by your decisions: your vendors and suppliers? Liaison with other localities Consider pre-prepared messages for relatives of staff what to say to them over the phone, in person or in writing.
Case: Planning a Practical Response to a Pandemic First responders Health care capacity Media response & cooperation Regional government cooperative planning State & Federal ability to contribute to an emergency
5. Rehearsal!!! “No practice, no confidence”
Educating the public Utilize all means: print, electronic, internet ‘Help’ from the Media Encourage community planning at the family level Government & Public Safety Responses
Government Elections during pandemic emergency Executive branch (Mayor’s Office etc.) Legislative branch (City Council) Judicial branch (local courts) Administrative offices & personnel Continuity-of-government plans in the event of impact to elected/appointed officials
Public Safety Emergency Management Oversight & PlanningEmergency Management Oversight & Planning E911 responses to FAQsE911 responses to FAQs Review and refine responders priorities and continuityReview and refine responders priorities and continuity Public safety infrastructure maintenance (vehicles, etc.)Public safety infrastructure maintenance (vehicles, etc.) Terrorist attacks as potential complicating factorTerrorist attacks as potential complicating factor Interface with state/federal government in the event of state of emergencyInterface with state/federal government in the event of state of emergency Emergency backup plans including support from National Guard. etcEmergency backup plans including support from National Guard. etc
Business Continuity: IT Responsibilities An issue of reasonable risk mitigation Who decides what’s important? How? Funding the mitigation IT’s role in making it happen DR’s starring role in local government: –9-11 –Katrina, Other storms –Avian Flu
IT Preparedness Telecommuting Policies and Infrastructure Mobile computing applications GIS resources Backup/Restore Procedures verified, rehearsed Cooperative planning with neighboring communities Align vendor resources as contingencies Access to Financial Resources
Questions???? Roy Mentkow Director, Department of Technology City of Roanoke Virginia