Purpose for learning Physics. The obvious. Physics is one of the fundamental sciences. It is needed to understand advanced topics in health sciences, environmental sciences, engineering, etc. Life skills. Dr. Dobson’s Purpose of School A better understanding of how technology works. – Where were you August 6, 2012 (12:01 am)? Where were you August 6, 2012 (12:01 am)? – How does your cell phone work? – Why does a magnet behave so differently in a copper pipe? – Why does gasoline work in your car, but not water? – Why the sky is blue? Why coca cola is _____________?_____________?
Purpose for learning Physics. Dr. James Dobson, a well-known psychologist stated on a radio broadcast the first day of school that 80% of what we learn in high school we do not remember. Why bother with teaching such things as Physics? After all, we may only remember 20% of what we do this semester.
Here is what Dr. Dobson says are the real benefits of being in school: School teaches the student self discipline. Learning makes new learning possible. a)Your brain is an organ that needs exercise. Just like a muscle it is developed by using it. b)Learning or hearing something new may increase your curiosity and motivate you to learn on your own simply because you want to know. The knowledge that is gained is still there in your brain and can be recalled with some coaxing. We are shaped by the people who teach us.
Seven Survival Skills Skills all students now need for careers, continuous learning, and citizenship. 1.Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2.Collaboration across networks and leading by influence. 3.Agility and adaptability. 4.Initiative and entrepreneurship. 5.Accessing and analyzing information. 6.Effective oral and written communication. 7.Curiosity and imagination.
Developing Life Skills Anytime we work together to solve a problem we have the opportunity to use and develop life skills. Lets see what this might look like when we work together to light a light bulb. While you are doing this task note at least three life skills that you used. Follow up discussion.
Coca Cola at the Molecular Level tdrink/softdrink.html