Principles of Biomedical Science Jeopardy Review Game
Unit 1Unit 2 Unit 3The Systems 100
The examination of the body after death is called a(n)… Unit 1 100
What person is responsible for providing short term care for people being transported to the hospital? Unit 1 200
What is the simplest level of organization Unit 1 300
The right to privacy of personal medical records is known as? What law is this? Unit 1 400
Confidentiality HIPPA
What career is responsible for detecting poisonings, drugs and other toxins in the body? Unit 1 500
Which heart structures pump blood to the lungs? Unit 2 100
If a person has a heart rate of 116/72 identify the systolic and diastolic number Unit 2 200
116=systolic 72=diasolic Know the difference between the two!
What organ helps regulate blood pressure? Unit 2 300
Which structure starts the electrical actions of the heart? Unit 2 400
SA node
What does bone marrow produce? Unit 2 500
Erythrocytes Thrombocytes Leukocytes
Define Histology Unit 2 100
The study of tissues
What type of blood vessels carries blood back to the heart? Unit 2 200
List 3 factors that can effect blood pressure Unit 2 300
Stress Disease Diet Physical Activity etc…
Which side of the heart carries oxygenated blood? Which side has thicker muscular walls? Unit 2 400
During what wave is atrial repolarization occuring? ventricular repolarization? Unit 2 500
Atrial – QRS complex Ventricular – T wave
Where does the energy from our food come from? Unit 3 100
The breaking of the bonds!
In which type of diabetes is insulin not produced? Unit 3 200
Type one
A weak force of attraction between molecules of water is called… Unit 3 300
Hydrogen bonds
What type of bond is there a sharing of electrons? Transfer of electrons? Unit 3 400
Covalent Ionic
What are the four classes of macromolecules? Tissue 500
Lipids Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates Proteins
Glands are part of what body system? Systems 100
Name the components of the axial skeletal system? The Systems 200
Skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage
Where does digestion begin? The Systems 300
What two systems work together to control all other systems? Integument 400
Nervous and endocrine system
Movement is a function of what body system? The Systems 500