Heredity Passing of traits from parent to offspring.
What are traits? Traits are characteristics that you inherit. Can be easily observable like eye color or “invisible” like your blood type
What controls traits? Traits are controlled by genes. Genes are segments (pieces) of DNA. Genes are found on chromosomes. Genes are passed from parents to offspring – 1 copy from each parent
Dominant and Recessive Each gene in a pair is an allele Offspring inherit one allele from each parent The allele that shows if present is called dominant The allele that is often masked (covered up) is called recessive
Common traits that are inherited. Detached earlobe Attached Detached (free)
Common traits that are inherited. Rolled tongue.
Common traits that are inherited. Dimples
Common traits that are inherited. Curly hair If you have wavy hair then say YES for curly If you STRAIGHTEN your hair, but it’s normally curly/wavy, then say YES
Common traits that are inherited. Cleft chin
Common traits that are inherited. Hand clasp.
Common traits that are inherited. Widows peak.
Common traits that are inherited. Bent thumb (hitchhikers thumb)
Common traits that are inherited. Finger hair.