Integrated Multidisciplinary Management of Invasive Fungal Infections Dr. Murat Akova Hacettepe University School of Medicine Section of Infcetious Diseases Ankara
Survey for Management of IFD 18 questions Published in Turkish Febrile Neutropenia website Sent to 36 internationally renowned experts by Sent to meeting participants
Respondants 36 Turkish physicians 24 international experts 11 meeting participants Total 71 responses
Results of Survey Countries –Turkey (38) –Italy (6) –Greece (4) –Israel (3) –Germany (2) –Russia (2) –Romania (2) –Slovakia (2) –Spain (2) –The Netherlands (2) One of each –Austria –Belgium –Croatia –Czech Republic –France –Hungary –India –Lebanon –Poland –Switzerland 71 respondents from 20 countries
Type of Speciality N=71
Size of Hospital (no. of beds) 10% 7% 15% N=71
How Many Patients Treated for an IFD per Month? N=70
How Many Patients Treated for a Probable or Proven IFD per Month? N=39
Integrated Care Pathway for Managing IFD N=39
Who Decides for Antifungal Therapy N=71
When ID is consulted? N=70
Other Team Members %
Bedside Discussions with Team Members N=71
Tests Available-I %
Tests Available-II %
Tests Available-III %
Where is the Biopsied Tissue Sent? N=70
How Often is an Autopsy Done? N=68
When is Serum GM Reported? N=71
When is CT or MRI Reported? N=71
When are Pathology Results Reported? N=71
Prioritised Reporting in Microbiology, Radiology and Pathology N=71
Thoracic Surgical Team Available N=71
Summary Management of IFD requires a teamwork which is an essential part of an “Integrated Care Pathway” Many centres in Europe and its neighbours have the baseline setup and a protocol Further collaboration at the team- and administrative-level is desired