The Compact
What is it? The Compact outlines the relationship between the public sector and the voluntary and community sector, allowing them to work together more effectively to strengthen communities and improve people’s lives.
What does it look like?
Compact principles 5 shared principles: Respect Honesty Independence Citizen empowerment Volunteering
Compact commitments 3 commitments to put the shared principles into practice: Advancing equality and diversity Involvement in policy development Allocating resources
Advancing equality and diversity Recognition of the vital role that the voluntary and community sector plays in helping to create a more equal and fair society Sets out commitments that will help both sectors work together to achieve their equality goals and promote social and community cohesion
Involvement in policy development How to involve and consult with the voluntary and community sector Helping the public sector develop policies that meet the needs of local people and communities When to involve How to involve Effective involvement
Allocating resources Commitments relating to grants and contracts on a range of issues: Planning and designing of services Application and bidding processes Making decisions Agreeing delivery, monitoring and payment terms How a financial relationship should be ended
Implementing the Compact Signatories to the compact should: Incorporate the principles of the Compact into their policies Incorporate the undertakings given in the Compact into their operational practices and procedures Widely publicise and make members, employees, volunteers and partners aware of the terms and spirit of the Compact and their commitment to it
Further Information The Compact Development Group oversees the operation of the Compact and produces a Joint Compact Action Plan For more information and copies of the Compact go to: Or the Compact secretariat: