What is NIMO? NIMO has Nine Major Duties 1.Improve the capacity and capability of the current federal wildland agency workforce. 2.Increase Type 3 Incident Management Capacity 3.Streamline wildland fire training and qualifications.
4. Assist the NMAC in the management of Incident Management teams. 5. Work to develop legal authorities for effective incident management across all levels of government. 6. Establish non-traditional partnerships to improve capacity and capability. 7. Improve emergency hiring practices to increase capacity and capability. 8. Standardize contracts to improve utilization and mgt of wildland fire services. 9. Develop new models for managing complex incidents.
What Role Does NIMO Play in the All Hazard Environment? In all hazard assignments (not fire), we are not in charge. Hurricanes, Tornados, Terrorist attacks, Space Shuttle Recovery, etc… We provide a service to Homeland Security, FEMA, NASA, APHIS, States, etc.. (primarily planning & logistics) PDX NIMO had two assignments this year for Hurricane’s Gustov and Ike support.
What Geospatial Products do we see being necessary beyond what has been developed from GISS? IMT’s need help seeing the big picture. Not sure if they fully understand what is out there and available. We believe we are being supported by the GIS community. We don’t know if we are asking the right questions.
NIMO Goal for GTG Support The most important thing we will continue to work on is the long term and strategic perspective, in the context of evaluating alternatives with new technology for IC’s, AC’s and Agency Administrators. We need to be able to document the rationale for decisions being made and have tools to display this information internally and to the public.
What Do We Need? To look at the fuels and topography ahead of the fire Analysis to support long term planning & management decisions = WFDSS, RAVAR Would like to be able to evaluate and display the “probability of success” of a selected alternative. IC’s & AA’s want this.
What Do We Need Cont. For mega fire and theatre level operation applications, what tools and options exist for mining, processing, displaying and sharing data that will support a real-time understanding (for us and the public) of perimeter growth, with respect to fire progression in meeting established objectives? Could these applications come from a central location and provide support for mulitple incidents?
What Do We Need Cont. Would like to be able to see and display real time IR information to better deal with perimeter growth and resource allocation. Ukonom Complex
What Type of Skill Sets do the IC’s Envision (Maps, Modeling, etc..) We need support personnel that can rapidly access geospatial data and operate models used to predict fire spread. We need help in getting this data and info in remote areas where mega fires occur. Satellite access, Videoconferencing are the wave of the future, especially for mega fires where travel distance is prohibitive. AC used a portable VTC unit on the KNF this yr.
IS NIMO Carrying GIS Personnel? NIMO teams have CWN rosters with individuals that have made verbal commitments to support our teams. A critical need for all teams is the availability of plotters to make maps. Most rent, borrow, share, etc… How do we get them assigned to teams? We believe the most cost effective solution would be to have one assigned to each NIMO, Type 1 and 2 team. $2,000/day for a contract GIS unit with a plotter is costly. Or have some pre-positioned in the more active GACCs.
How can the GTG Communications “Vehicle” assist IMT’s? GTG can go with IMT’s on assignments, as individuals or in pre-formed teams to gain first hand knowledge and help develop solutions concerning spatial data needs. GTG could use this opportunity as a laboratory for the resolution of current issues in an operational environment.