Food Service - Compliance with NSLP and SBP Whole Grain Rich All foods offered must be whole grain rich. Once the meal pattern requirements are met for the day, grains served may include those that are not whole grain rich. Boyle County received a waiver for macaroni and noodles for the school year. Sodium Limits Target Level 1 for sodium maximums is implemented.
Food Service - Availability of Contracted Foods High School & Middle School Little Caesar’s Pizza is the only contracted food served in the Food Service Program. It is listed on the menu once per each 3 week cycle. We are serving the Whole Grain Pizza. Elementary Level Little Caesar’s is served occasionally substituted for pizza on the menu.
Food Service - Fun Facts School Year Total Student Lunch Meals314,269308,981 Average Daily Participation Total Student Breakfast100,135106,787 Average Daily Participation # Days Meals were Served Total Summer Meals12,29710,575 Average Daily Participation256278
Food Service - Recommendations for Improvement Expand the Breakfast Program Nov 2014 Participation RatesNov 2014 F/R % BCHS – 19%39.6% BCMS – 23%43.6% WES – 23%38.5% JCES – 43%78.7% PES – 35%58.3%
Food Service - Recommendations for Improvement Expand Nutrition Education thru the use of technology Promote and expand the use of student raised produce provided by the local FFA Chapter
School Health Update
Body Mass Index Data from SchoolGradePercent OverweightPercent Obese Junction City ElementaryKindergarten26%16% 1 st 43%19% 2 nd -- 3 rd 35%25% 4 th 33%17% 5 th 51%40%
School Health Update Body Mass Index Data from SchoolGradePercent OverweightPercent Obese Perryville ElementaryKindergarten47%24% 1 st 44%19% 2 nd 41%31% 3 rd 22%9% 4 th 48%27% 5 th 48%30%
School Health Update Body Mass Index Data from SchoolGradePercent OverweightPercent Obese Woodlawn ElementaryKindergarten35%16% 1 st 33%17% 2 nd 35%22% 3 rd 27%17% 4 th 34%23% 5 th 50%31%
School Health Update Summary of Health Conditions 1245 health conditions have been reported in students this year. 691 of those have “alerts” meaning there may need to be an intervention at school. We now have 16 children with type 1 diabetes who may need assistance with counting carbohydrates (for insulin dosing) and help with insulin injections. There are 179 children with reported food allergies.
School Health Update At Risk Teams at each of the schools Assessment using the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Coordinated School Health (Whole Child) Coalition