Week’s Lab IV: Student-Driven Project 1 Complete Homework 6 at home: Correlation/Regression Bring 3 abstracts to trade with group + TA Complete SDP1 Proposal Worksheet - Indiv. Use pg
Next lecture Chapter 11: Sex and Evolution
EXAM 1 next Tuesday 12:30 here Lectures/Chapters thru Thursday Practice exam with answers: On course website on Exam date Format: Choice of ?s to answer Longer: 4 of 5 (interpret figures) Shorter: 4 of 6 Questions? 6
***Sample exam question. A species of scale insects extracts fluids from branches of pine trees. They have very limited movement. In an experiment, these insects were transplanted 1) between branches of the same pine tree, and 2) from one pine tree to another pine tree of the same size.
1.State the hypothesis/prediction that was being tested as an “If…then…” 2.Summarize the results in one concise sentence. 3.Do the results support the hypothesis? 4.Predict whether gene flow or natural selection would be a more powerful force affecting the genetic structure of this insect. Explain your choice. 5. Predict whether the genetic makeup of populations of the insect on adjacent trees would be homogeneous or differentiated. Explain your choice.
Today:Ch 10: Life Histories and Evolution
Objectives Define life history How to study life history? Correlated life history traits in contrasting environments Resource allocation and tradeoffs Age of maturity Fecundity Parity (no. times reproduce/lifetime) Aging and lifespan
*** Sample exam question Life history traits often represent ‘tradeoffs’. Graph the expected relationship for each pair of traits. Label axes. Then explain the nature of each tradeoff. A. Seed size vs. seed number 1. Graph 2. Explanation B.Number of offspring per breeding attempt vs. adult survival between successive breedings 1. Graph 2. Explanation
A search for a set of rules when particular traits affecting reproduction and survival may be favored by natural selection.
Lack: life history in an evolutionary context. As life history traits contribute to reproductive success, they influence evolutionary fitness. Life histories vary consistently with environmental factors; hence may be molded by natural selection.
How study life history evolution? Wide variation among organisms in life history traits: use of comparative methods temperatetropical
Clutch size of birds increases with latitude. Latitude Clutch size ***Possible hypothesis?
***Experimental test of hypothesis: Number of eggs per clutch is limited by food supply. Normal clutch size = 7. Do the data support the hypothesis? What type of selection does this demonstrate? a.Directional b.Stabilizing c.Disruptive Is genetic variation being maintained or reduced?
Life histories vary along a slow-fast continuum. Traits are correlated in contrasting environments. Slow (K-species) = in persistent habitats population near carrying capacity slow development delayed maturity large adult size low reproductive rate high parental investment/offspring low mortality long life in persistent habitats low dispersal Fast (r-species) = in disturbed habitats population can grow rapidly opposite traits
Life history results from rules and choices influencing survival and reproduction. Juvenile survival Repeated reproduction
Life history: schedule of organism’s life, including: age at first reproduction (maturity) number and size of offspring (fecundity) number of reproductive events (parity) aging (life span) The values of these traits are solutions to the problem of allocating limited time and resources among various structures, physiological functions, and behaviors.
Resource Allocation Organisms face a problem of allocation of scarce resources. (or can organisms increase overall performance without trading off one function against another?)
Alternative pathways for resource allocation growth reproductionmaintenance Energy + matter reproduction increased survival increased competitive ability immediate profit delayed profit increased numbers
Investing in reproduction lowers survival.
Tradeoffs: Allocation of time, energy, or materials devoted to one structure or function cannot be allotted to another. Costs: Allocation to current reproduction affects survival, growth, and future reproduction.
***Tradeoffs 1.Graph 2.Explain Looking for correlation or cause/effect? Can axes be switched? Prob of survival for 15 yr No. fruits per year No. flowers in 1st season Plant size in 2nd season
Variation in one life history trait is often correlated with variation in other traits.
*** Explain this tradeoff: reproduction vs. mortality
***Does this experiment support the ‘tradeoff hypothesis’ of parental care vs. adult survival? Explain. Prop surviving Brood size
Life histories balance trade-offs between current reproduction and future reproduction. Great variation among organisms in resolving the fundamental tradeoff between fecundity and adult growth and survival. Principle: limited time and resources are allocated among competing functions so as to maximize lifetime reproductive success.