Cell Organelles
Cell Organelles
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Structure Network of membranous channels Rough ER - studded with ribosomes Smooth ER - no ribosomes
Processes and sorts proteins to be secreted out of cell Rough ER: Function Processes and sorts proteins to be secreted out of cell Sends proteins in vesicles that pinch off from the membrane
Smooth ER: Structure No ribosomes attached
Golgi Apparatus
Makes lipids and carbos Detoxifies poisons Smooth ER: Function Makes lipids and carbos Detoxifies poisons Stores and releases Ca+2 ions Removes phosphate group from glucose so can leave cell
Golgi Apparatus (Bodies): Structure Flattened stack of membranes (not continuous)
Golgi Apparatus: Function Modifies, sorts, packages, and transports proteins from ER Forms transport vesicles Show Campbell Ch 07 Endomembrane System & Lysosome Formation
Show Lysosome Animation Lysosomes: Structure Are vesicles filled with digestive enzymes Show Lysosome Animation
Digest damaged or worn out organelles Lysosomes: Function Digest damaged or worn out organelles Digest entire cells 5-week old fetus
Figure 20.13 Human embryo at 1 month.
Lysosomes: Function Digest pathogens and molecules
Peroxisomes: Structure Kidney epithelial cells Green = peroxisomes; Red = nucleus
Peroxisomes: Function Oxidize fatty acids and amino acids Neutralize toxic compounds made when oxidizing fatty acids and amino acids
Mitochondria: Structure
Mitochondria: Function
Nucleus: Structure Nuclear Envelope Chromatin Nucleolus Nucleoplasm Nuclear Pore
Nucleus: Chromatin DNA exists as strands of chromatin, except during cell division
Nucleus: Function
Figure 02.02tao
Cytoskeleton: Structure and Function
Microvilli: Structure and Function
Centrosome and Centrioles
Cilia: Structure
Figure 02.02tal
Cilia: Function
Flagella: Structure
Figure 02.02tam
Flagella: Function Normal sperm at bottom and abnormal sperm at top
Ribosomes: Structure and Function
Cell Organelles Video