Early Microscopes Robert Hooke – Looked at cork – Started calling the basic building block of life “cell”s Anton vanLeeuwenhoek – Looked at living things under a microscope
The Cell Theory All living things are made up of cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things. New cells are produced from existing cells.
Important Cell Terms Nucleus: Membrane-bound organelle that holds the genetic material in eukaryotes Organelle: “tiny organs” – Specialized structures inside cells Cytoplasm: fluid-like substance inside all cells
Cell Types Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes Small (0.1 μm – 10 μm) Genetic material is not in a nucleus – DNA is in the cytoplasm Unicellular organisms (live alone) Example: bacteria
Eukaryotes Larger than prokaryotes Have nucleus and organelles Can live alone (unicellular) or with other cells (multicellular) Two types: Plant and Animal
Plant/Animal CellOrganelle NameFunction A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Animal Cell
Organelle NameFunction ACentriole BMicrotubules CLysosome DMitochondria ERough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER) FSmooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth ER) GRibosome HFlagella IGolgi Apparatus JNucleolus KNuclear Envelope LCytoplasm MCell Membrane
Organelles Centriole – Near nucleus – Help with cell division
Cell Parts Intermediate Filaments Microtubules – Cell shape – Cell organization Microfilaments
Organelles Lysosome – Small, filled with enzymes – Break down, or digest, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins – Get rid of old cell parts
Organelles Mitochondria – “power house” of the cell – convert food into useable energy
Organelles Endoplasmic Reticulum – Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Synthesis of proteins (ribosomes on the surface) – Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Make enzymes that perform special tasks (like making lipids and detoxification of drugs)
Organelles Ribsomes – Cellular “factory” – makes proteins
Organelles Flagella – Tail-like structure used for movement Cilia
Organelles Golgi apparatus – Modify, sort and package proteins and other material from the ER
Organelles Nucleus – 3 parts: Nucleolus – Makes ribosomes Nuclear Envelope – Membrane around the nucleus, contains nuclear pores
Cell Parts Cytoplasm – Fluid-like substance between the nuclear envelope (which surrounds the nucleus) and the cell membrane – Organelles are found floating in the cytoplasm
Cell Parts Cell membrane – In all cells – Barrier between outside of cell and inside of cell – Regulates what enters and leaves
Plant Cell
Organelle NameFunction ACell Membrane BCytoplasm CNuclear Envelope DNucleolus EGolgi Apparatus FVacuole GRibosome HSmooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth ER) IRough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER) JMitochondria KChloroplast LMicrotubules MCell Wall
Cell Parts Cell wall – ONLY in PLANT cells – Outside of cell membrane – Thick, rigid barrier to protect cells
Organelles Chloroplasts – Capture sunlight to make energy for the cell – ONLY in PLANT cells
Organelles Vacuole – Storage of water, salts, carbohydrates and proteins – Large in plant cells – Found in some prokaryotes and animal cells