63rd IETF - NEMO WG1 NEMO Multihoming Issues NEMO Multihoming Issues draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-03.txt Chan-Wah Ng Paik Eun-Kyoung Thierry Ernst Marcelo Bagnulo
63rd IETF - NEMO WG2 Change-Log (1/2) Enlisted Marcelo Bagnulo as co-author Restructuring of Section 4 –Path Survival Fault Tolerance Path Failure Detection Path Exploration Path Selection Re-Homing –Removed Impact on Routing Infrastructure –Re-written various text throughout the section
63rd IETF - NEMO WG3 Change-Log (2/2) Added Sect 5: Matrix Breaking References into Normative and Informative Added IANA Consideration and Security Consideration
63rd IETF - NEMO WG4 Status Mailing List Issues – ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues/ –22 issues 15 Accepted 1 No Longer Relevant 2 Rejected 4 Open
63rd IETF - NEMO WG5 Updates of ML Issues (1/7) Issue 5: Description of Benefits of Multihoming –Status: Postponed –Wait for synchronization of draft-ernst- goals-and-benefits
63rd IETF - NEMO WG6 Updates of ML Issues (2/7) Issue 19: Remove Section on Routing Infrastructure –Status: Accepted –Removed the entire sub-section: Impact on Routing Infrastructure from Section 4 Issue 11: Descriptions Routing Infrastructure –Status: Accepted Issue 17: Recovery by Routing Infrastructure –Status: No Longer Relevant
63rd IETF - NEMO WG7 Updates of ML Issues (3/7) Issue 15: Source Routing as Approach for Overcoming Ingress Filtering –Status: Accepted –Replace text in Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering
63rd IETF - NEMO WG8 Updates of ML Issues (4/7) Issue 18: Fault Tolerance in Source Address Selection –Status: Accepted –Added reference to other sections in Sect 4.8 Source Address Selection Sect Path Selection Sect Re-Homing
63rd IETF - NEMO WG9 Updates of ML Issues (5/7) Issue 20: Splitting Reference to Normative and Informative –Status: Accepted –Reference is split into Informative and Normative
63rd IETF - NEMO WG10 Updates of ML Issues (6/7) Issue 21: Applicability of Appendix B –Status: Accepted –Added clarifying statement in Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering and Appendix B to explicitly indicate that Appendix B is applicable to (*,n,n) configuration
63rd IETF - NEMO WG11 Updates of ML Issues (7/7) Issue 22: Analysis of Multi6/Shim6 Applicability –Status: Ongoing –Enlisted Marcelo as co-author –Re-structured Sect 4 with various references to the applicability of Shim6 –Added Sect 5 with a matrix to show relationships between each configuration, each multihoming issue, and other IETF WGs
63rd IETF - NEMO WG12 Open Issues Issues 12 & 13: Appendix B –Further development of mechanism is necessary –What to do with it? –Options: Leave it as it is, close the issue with no further action Remove it, and put it as a WG item Remove it, and be done with it
63rd IETF - NEMO WG13 Mailing List Discussions (1/2) Sect 4.10: Prefix Ownership –Text says “In (n, *, 1) …” –[Comment]: Will also happen in (n,*,n) –[Action]: Will modify the text Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering –Text says “HA may discard packets …” –[Comment]: HA will definitely discard packets –[Action]: change “may” to “will”
63rd IETF - NEMO WG14 Mailing List Discussions (2/2) Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering –Text says “For (*,1,n) case, there is no such problem …” –[Comment]: For (n,1,n) case, there may be a problem of ingress filtering, if one considers merging of two (t1,1,1) networks
63rd IETF - NEMO WG15 Decide on the Multihoming Issues that are relevant to NEMO WG
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Fault Tolerance Home Internet NEMO HAHAMR MR 1. Fault Detection 2. Path Exploration 3. Path Selection 4. Re-Homing
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Ingress Filtering Home Internet NEMO HA2HA1MR2 MR1 Ingress Filtering at MR - MR1 filtering MNP2 - MR2 filtering MNP1 Ingress Filtering at HA - HA1 filtering MNP2 - HA2 filtering MNP1
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Media Detection UMTS MR1 WLAN Satellite How to detect media availability? How to detect media failure?
63rd IETF - NEMO WG HA Synchronization Internet Home NEMO HA2HA1 How to synchronize multiple HAs: - to properly delegate MNPs MNPs - to seamlessly enable failover failover
63rd IETF - NEMO WG MR Synchronization NEMO MR2MR1 How to synchronize multiple MRs: - to load balance - to co-ordinate prefix management management - to seamlessly enable failover failover
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Prefix Delegation Home Internet NEMO HA2HA1MR2 MR1 Delegating prefix to multiple MRs Delegating prefix from multiple HAs
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Multiple Registrations UMT S MR1 WLAN Satellite NEM O Interne t HA1 CoA1 CoA2 CoA3 How to bind all my CoAs to my single HoA?
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Source Address Selection NEMO MR2 MR1 MNN Advertise MNP1 Advertise MNP2 How can I choose my source address? From which prefix? What are the traffic characteristics for each prefix?
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Loop Prevention in Nested NEMO NEMO MR1 MR2 MR3 MR4 Internet attaches to Loop formed! - not unique to multihome, but more probable
63rd IETF - NEMO WG Prefix Ownership NEMO MR2 MR1 We own the prefix MNP NEM O MR2 MR1 Who own the prefix MNP ??? NEM O Who own the prefix MNP ???
63rd IETF - NEMO WG26 Matrix (1/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn Failure Detection NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NS Path Exploration NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NS Path SelectionN SNSN N SNSN N SNSN N SNSN Re-Homing NMNM S NMNM S NMNM S NMNM S NEMONEMO/MIPv6Shim6
63rd IETF - NEMO WG27 Matrix (2/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.2 Ingress FilteringtN 4.3 Media DetectionDDDDDDDD 4.4 HA Synchronization NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM 4.5 MR SynchronizationGGGG NEMONEMO/MIPv6trivialDNAGeneral IPv6
63rd IETF - NEMO WG28 Matrix (3/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.6 Prefix DelegationNNNNNN 4.7 Multiple RegistrationsMMMMMMMM 4.8 Source Address Selections GGGG NEMOMIPv6General IPv6
63rd IETF - NEMO WG29 Matrix (4/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.9 Loop Prevention in Nested NEMO NNNNNNNN 4.10 Prefix OwnershipNN NEMO
63rd IETF - NEMO WG30 Moving Forward Issues marked with –to be worked on by the WG? Issues marked with –worked on by: NEMO WG? MIP6 WG(s)? Future WG (e.g. monami6)? Others –informational for the specified WG(s)? N N/M GDS