Moon Survival You have been newly assigned to the team who is to explore and complete research on the moon’s surface. You and your team are on the way to the Field Research Base Station where you will spend the next 3 months of your life, when your transport unit develops mechanical problems 250 kilometers from your destination and crashes to the lunar surface. You and your team are slightly shaken up, bruised, but fine. Your vehicle, however, is totaled and most of the supplies you were carrying were destroyed. The only things you were able to salvage are listed below. Since your home base is 1000 kilometers away, the team’s survival depends on reaching the Field Research Base Station. Your first survival task is to rank the listed items in terms of their importance to the teams’ ability to reach the Field Research Base Station.
Moon Survival First: On a clean piece of paper, write the numbers 1 – 13, in a column down the side of the paper. Rank each of the following list, 1 being the most important to the team’s survival, 2 the second most important, and so on though 13. Do this WITHOUT discussion from your fellow classmates members. Do not change your answers.
Moon Survival Solar Powered FM Transmitter-Receiver Food concentrate Two.45 Caliber Pistols Portable Heating Unit Box of Matches One case of Dehydrated Milk 25 meters of Nylon Rope 50 liters of Water First Aid Kit, containing injection needles Life Raft Four 50-Kilogram tanks of Oxygen Parachute Silk Star Map of Moon’s Constellations
Moon Survival Second: After everyone in your group has had a chance to finish their lists, discuss with your team the relative importance of each salvaged item. After a complete group discussion, as a team rank each of the items in order of importance.
Moon Survival Third: Get the “correct answers” from your teacher. The “correct answers” were supplied by NASA. Find the difference between your ranking and the ones given by NASA. Find the sum of the differences. Do the same thing with your teams ranking. The smaller the sum, the closer you were to the experts. How did you do?
Moon Survival 1.Oxygen 2.Water 3.Constellations Map 4.Food Concentrate 5.FM Transmitter/Receiver 6.Rope 7.First Aid Kit 8.Parachute silk 9.Life Raft 10.Pistols 11.Milk 12.Heating Unit 13.Box of Matches