Virtual Planetarium in the Astronomy lessons Mescereacov Vasili ORT Technology Lyceum MOLDOVA, KISHINEV
О Лицее ORT Technology Lyceum “B.Z. Herzl” Moldova, Kishinev
Teachers and pupils of Lyceum
The difference of the Lyceum from other schools of Republic ТC ОRТ – more than 50 computers Administration, methodical cabinet, cabinet of a Hebrew, cabinet of physics - 13 computers Internet
Intranet and its use
The program on astronomy 11 grade12 grade Or but ASTRONOMY 1 lesson a week
The program on astronomy Ways of supervision and receptions of studying of various heavenly objects. Space bodies in Solar system and their interaction. Planets of Solar system. Galaxies and development of space. Extraterrestrial civilizations.
How is it possible to apply IT?
What do we actively use?
Why is Spica? The Wide range of operating modes. The program works as in a mode of real time, and allows to receive the image during any time. System requirements very much not high. The program allows to print reports. The program absolutely free-of- charge.
Star sky.
Star sky
Solar system
Planets of Solar system
Let's play with adjustments
Vasili Mescereacov Thank you