Kim Macchiarelli Nicole Shema Pam Felts Doreen Bruce Marina Cangialosi
A new teacher shall complete a district mentorship program during their initial year of employment They must also receive a rating of effective or highly effective in two annual summative evaluations within the first years of employment
Tenure is gained after four years and one day The employee must have received a rating of effective or highly effective in each of three consecutive annual commutative evaluations The first effective rating must be received on or after the completion of the second year of employment
Shall enhance teacher knowledge of CCCS Identify exemplary teaching skills and practices Assist in performance of duties and adjustment to challenges of teaching To greatest extent feasible, activities developed in consultation with School Improvement Panels Must be in place for
Teacher required to complete a district mentorship program in the first year, even if experienced teacher going to new district 2 year mentoring requirement for principals remains unchanged School Improvement Panel charged with overseeing mentoring of teachers Must be research-based program that pairs effective teachers with first-year teachers to provide observation and feedback. Modeling, confidential support and guidance
Ongoing PD that supports student achievement Individual Professional Development Plan for each teaching staff member Additional PD for any teaching staff member who fails or is struggling to meet the performance standards, designed to correct needs identified in summative evaluation
Must be in place in every school Principal or designee (on-district admin. Or supervisor), asst. principal and a teacher Teacher selected in consultation with majority rep If no asst. principal then another in-district administrator or supervisor Three-year term limit for teacher on panel Oversee mentoring of teachers Identify PD opportunities.
Definition section of bill makes clear that formal evaluations can only be done by properly certified administrators or other supervisory personnel SIP is charged with conducting an annual summative evaluation SIP is required to do a mid-year evaluation for teachers rated as partially effective or ineffective The teacher on the SIP can be involved in the evaluation process where majority representative agrees Role of teacher on SIP evaluations is unclear
Eliminates 90 day improvement plan Superintendent must file charge, whenever employee rated ineffective or partially in one year, and ineffective in the following year. Superintendent may file charge of inefficiency if rated particularly effective for 2 years in a row or ineffective in first year and partial in year 2.
12/31/12 – Adopt Evaluation Rubric 1/31/13 – Begin Pilot Program 2/1/13 – Form School Improvement Panel State Approval Evaluation Rubrics Focal point – Marzoano – McRel – Marshall – www.; Strong – Multidemenstional Leadership – Multidementioal Principal –
Charges of inefficiency must be based on state approved rubric. Evaluation tools, must be state approved. First charge for inefficiency will not be possible until after school year.
Must be developed for any teaching staff member rated ineffective or partially effective. Written plan developed by teaching staff member serving in a supervisory capacity in collaboration with teaching staff member. Must include: Timeline for corrective actions Responsibilities of individual teaching staff member Responsibilities of district Specific support provided by the district.
The Path to Smart Tenure Reform The Path to Smart Tenure Reform The New Tenure Law: How Will if effect you? Q & A The New Tenure Law: How Will if effect you? Q & A Articles: A Win-win for Students, Teachers, and the Public August 6, 2012 A Win-win for Students, Teachers, and the Public NJEA: Meaningful Reform is More than Evaluation, Tenure November 6, 2011 NJEA: Meaningful Reform is More than Evaluation, Tenure