Costing Adult and Adolescent Male Circumcision in Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda Urbanus Kioko (PHD) University of Nairobi Arusha, Tanzania 10 June 2010
Currently offering MMC services Meets existing policies for comprehensive MMC services Represents geographic diversity Represents diversity of sites where MMC services will be scaled-up
CountryNumber of Sites Costed Kenya30 Zambia17 Zimbabwe4 Uganda27
Kenya HospitalsFixedOutreach Direct Costs Consumables $8.1122% % Personnel $ % % Training $ % % Subtotal$ % % Indirect costs Equipment $2.92 8% % Maintenance/Utility $ % % Support personnel costs $2.44 7% % Mgmt./supervision costs $1.33 4% % Mobilisation $0.74 2% % Subtotal$ % % TOTAL$ % % # of MC Clients/Yr/Facility
Kenya Health CenterFixed Outreach Direct Costs (US$) Consumables $8.15 $9.04 Personnel $3.04 $22.61 Training $4.36 $0.64 Subtotal$15.55 $32.29 Indirect costs (US$) Equipment $2.28 $1.67 Maintenance/Utility $2.28 $2.00 Support personnel costs $3.82 $2.59 Mgmt. and supervision costs $0.95 $0.79 Mobilisation $1.40 $1.67 Subtotal$10.74 $8.73 TOTAL$26.30$41.02 # of MC Clients/Yr/Facility
Kenya DispensariesFixed Outreach Direct Costs (US$) Consumables $12.57 $8.87 Personnel $25.99$18.57 Training $2.98$0.73 Subtotal$41.55$28.17 Indirect costs (US$) Equipment $2.93$1.92 Maintenance/Utility $2.33$1.08 Support personnel costs $4.57$3.24 Mgmt and supervision costs $1.13$0.38 Mobilisation $1.06$1.39 Subtotal$12.01$8 TOTAL$53.56$36.17 # of MC Clients/Yr/Facility
Zimbabwe Fixed% Outreach % Direct Costs Consumables $ %$ % Non-consumables$0.96 2%$1.011% Personnel costs$ %$ % Training costs$ %$0.260% Subtotal$ %$ % Indirect costs Equipment/capital costs$0.45 1%$3.565% Maintenance/Utility$3.24 6%$ % Support personnel$4.42 8%$4.677% Indirect Labor/Mgmt.$2.28 4%$1.252% Subtotal$ %$ % TOTAL$ %$ % # of MC Clients
Zambia Direct Costs% Labor$ % Materials$ % TrainingN.A. Subtotal$ % Indirect Costs Equipment$ % Maintenance/Utility$ % Indirect Labor/Management$ % Subtotal$ % TOTAL$ % # of MC Clients/Yr/Facility 328
# of MC Clients/Yr
Difficult to capture demand creation, training and management costs Excludes traditional MC Does not address question about how unit costs might change with different methods of service delivery Limitation of the data used for estimating unit costs—may not be very accurate Preliminary data-further analysis/validation of the unit costs
The unit cost of MC varies significantly particularly due to: › Scale (# of clients seen at each site) › Type of site (public, private) › Location of site (urban, peri-urban, rural) › Type of service delivery method (integrated, outreach, mobile) › Surgical instrument method/kit(disposable kits, non-disposable kits, etc.) › Persons responsible for delivery (e.g., nurse, surgeon, clinical officer)
Likely to generate more accurate data over time-2-3 yrs Need to update the unit costs-2-3 years after the 1 st costing exercise
Disseminate findings from countries where costing was performed Repeat costing exercise to update and validate cost estimates every 2-3 years