Unit 7 Cultural relics Warming up Listening Speaking Pre-reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 Cultural relics Warming up Listening Speaking Pre-reading

The Pyramids in EgyptThe Great WallStonehenge

Similarities A long history World famous Made of stones Built by many people Symbols of their countries and cultures Tell us stories about ancient times

1.All of them are old. Do you think they are still important to the people today? Why? They stand for cultures of the countries. They tell us history. They make money from tourism. 2.What can we do to protect them? We should protect them from being destroyed. We should……

1.Suggestion n. suggest v. (1)suggest sth. (to sb.) (2)suggest doing 建议做某事 (3)suggest (that)+ 句子 The teacher suggested we (should) work harder. The doctor suggested the medicine (should) be taken twice a day. 注 : 当 suggest 的意思是 “ 暗示 ” 的意思时, 不需要遵从上述原则. Are you suggesting I am not telling the truth? 2.base…on… 以 …… 作为 …… 的基础 / 根据 He based his arguments on facts. 3.list sth.=make a list of sth. 4.What is being done to protect them. 是 What is doing 的被动语态。 例 :(1)We are building the new hospital in our hometown. The new hospital in our hometown is being built. (2)We are discussing the problem in the class. The problem is being discussed in the class. back

A Chinese knot A five-star red flag A toy panda A pair of chopsticks A Chinese painting a map of China

1.prepare 准备 prepare for 为 …… 作准备 prepare a book/a meal/your dictation exercise books prepare for a trip 2.Include (1) Please include me in your group. (2)including prep.( 后接名词或代词) Ten people were present at the meeting, including me. (3)included adj.( 用在名词或者代词之后) Everyone laughed, our teacher included.

选词填空 ancient, burn, damage, include, represent, stone, statue, ruins, portrait, limit, breath, dynasty, photograph 1.The storm did great _____ to the crops 2.Many people like the book, _____ me. 3.He is a famous _____ painter. 4.He took a deep _____. 5.There is a _____ to what I can do for you. 6.We choose a committee( 委员会 ) to _______ us. 7.The old church is in ______. 8.Sometimes workers and painters used old _______ to help them rebuild the city. 9.The ____ of liberty( 自由 ) was presented to the United States of America in the 19th century by the people of France. 10.In ______ times, women were not allowed to go to the school. next damage including portrait breath limit represent ruins photographs statue ancient

A Brief Introduction The reading uses the reconstruction( 重建 ) of St Petersburg as an example of how cultural relics and sites can be successfully restored or rebuilt. The text also suggests that cultural relics are an important part of a city’s and people’s culture. The efforts( 努力 ) to restore St Petersburg’s old glory( 荣誉 ) show the people’s determination to preserve( 维护 ) their culture and describe some of difficulties the people had undertaking( 承担 ) such a project. next

Questions What does the “city” in the title refer to? When did the Russian Czar come here and build a new capital? How long was the city under attack? How can people bring back the beauty of their country and culture? back

Expressions Para I 1.Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河的地方, 必然有城 市. 2.on the bank of a river 在河畔 3.flow through 流过 4.be proud of 5.during one’s lifetime 6.look like 7.out of 出自 Para II 1.mang important events in history 2.under attack 遭遇袭击 3.give in to sb. 4.in ruins 5.lie in pieces on the ground 碎片满地都是 (lie 呈 … 状态 ) 6.do everything one can do to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事 Para III 1.be used to do 被用于做某事 2.bring sth. back to life=sth. come to life 3.with the help of 在 … 的帮助下 4.be able to 5.missing pieces 丢失的碎片 6.a portrait of Para IV 1.look out over the city 鸟瞰, 俯 瞰 2.come true 实现