The Migration Enterprise Group Garrett Gabriel, Juana Hernandez, Loc Tran
The “Vision 2010” strategic plan ◦ Libraries seek to serve information needs and facilitate exchanges of knowledge for the universities and the region’s communities Bill Jordan, University of Washington Libraries ◦ Associate Dean for Information Technology Services Washington Geospatial Data Archive Puget Sound Nearshore Ecological Restoration Project Develop Conceptual Data Model into a geodatabase ◦ Represents the real world natural and human processes
Having data on WAGDA be more user-friendly, efficient and accessible. Recent model on WAGDA is on a file-base system and is not user-friendly with various departments on campus Migration of the current file-based WAGDA to an enterprise GIS technology based ESRI ArcGIS Server WAGDA is currently restricted to current UW students, faculty, and staff
Devise a conceptual data model ◦ Focus, utility, and reason for data sharing “Roadmap” for the migration process to enterprise management system Construct an ArcGIS Enterprise prototype environment ◦ Include data from WAGDA & various sources
1. Data Design Conceptual– Urban/County; Nearshore; Coastal Zone Management conceptual models Assessment/Inventory Sources – WAGDA, PSNERP, other UW and non-UW Geographic Area Feature Descriptions Metadata status Substantial Process DescriptionSub-processes Land UseDynamic and static human processes and modifications to the environment. Concrete and abstract entities. AdministrativeProperty CommunityTransportation NearshoreUtilities Planning Natural EnvironmentNatural processes which constitute land and water features from the shorezone area, nearshore, and uplands. DrainageHydrology GeomorphologyNearshore HabitatShorezone
Logical and Organizational Integrating human & natural processes in Puget Sound Coastal Zone Sample and schema of features with various structures Organizing by geographic area – feature datasets
2. Systems Hardware ◦ Dell PowerEdge R410 Rack Server, 16 GB of RAM1 TB Hard Drive Software ◦ Red Hat Enterprise Linux ◦ PostgreSQL RDBMS ◦ ArcGIS Server: Enterprise Edition ◦ ArcSDE: Enterprise version Systems configuration and administration by Michalis Avraam and Ryan Burns (GEOG graduate students) SDE Server:
3. Data Management Prepare for data – attribute domains, feature data sets Import data naming conventions versioning and archiving Potential for feature class integration, replication, data interoperability 4. Migration Roadmap – Integration of each major process
Cost Reduction ◦ Achieved through reduction or elimination of redundant activities ◦ Improvement in maintenance Reduction in labor cost ◦ ArcGIS Enterprise server will do the labor automatically Addressing unpredictable events with data availability and efficiency Intangible Benefits ◦ Reduction of tedious functions, improved workforce morale, and higher self-esteem for employees
Difference between typical enterprise GIS organizations and archival organizations Successful modeling of migration on small scale – critical step for large scale implementation
Comprehensive planning for migrating and hosting extensive imagery data Geodatabase configurations - multiple? Geoportal – expanding access to users and other GIS platforms