1 Oregon Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation Prepared for the Oregon Department of Education by WestEd Dr. Stanley Rabinowitz Dr. Edynn Sato January 2007
2 Background: Overview One of several key projects funded by the Gates Foundation Independent evaluation by WestEd, a non-profit educational research, development, and service agency
3 Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation: Why? Content standards signal what knowledge and skills are valued (breadth and depth) Current state content standards have undergone periodic revision Need to continuously revisit and re-evaluate on a set schedule
4 Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation: Why? Rigorous standards and assessments are major levers for improving student achievement –Signal goals –Focus instruction –Provide information for improvement to the state, districts, schools
5 Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation: What? WestEd will: Review the content standards (all grades, academic content areas) Evaluate the structure of the content standards Evaluate alignment between the state assessments and the content standards Make recommendations for improvement of structures and systems
6 What? WestEd will address questions regarding: –the structure and quality the state content standards –the alignment of state assessments to state standards Recommendations will be based on data from the analyses that have practice and policy implications Research-based information related to assessment and accountability models/practices will be provided as available
7 Key Deliverables Preliminary report of an initial review of selected content standards and grades using initial protocol/criteria Final report for the comprehensive review of the content standards Final report for the alignment of assessments to content standards Final report on the structure and quality of Oregon’s content standards and assessments
8 Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation: How? WestEd’s independent evaluation will be conducted in three phases: 1. Preliminary Review of Selected Content Standards 2. Comprehensive Evaluation of Content Standards 3. Alignment Studies of Content Assessments and Standards
9 How? 1. Preliminary Review of Selected Content Standards Purpose: To refine protocol and criteria for standards evaluation Focus: Two grades in three content areas (selected to represent a range of formats) Protocol: Successfully implemented in numerous states that have successfully met USED NCLB Peer Review requirements
10 How? 2. Comprehensive Evaluation of Content Standards English language arts Mathematics Science Social sciences Arts Second languages Physical education Health education Technology English language proficiency
11 How? 3. Alignment Studies of Content Assessments and Standards Content English language arts Mathematics Science Items Oregon’s multiple-choice knowledge and skills state test items Tests One test blueprint/specification for English language arts, mathematics, and science
12 How? WestEd’s independent evaluation will involve analysts with expertise in large-scale test development standards development alignment measurement and statistics the content areas curriculum and instruction the K-12 student population No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Oregon programs and history
13 How? Stakeholder engagement: Discussions—These discussions will not influence WestEd’s independent and objective analyses, rather they will inform the analyses Surveys
14 How? Stakeholder groups include: ODE staff, such as - Management Team - Curriculum and Assessment staff State Board of Education OAESD Instructional Leader Council PK-20 Coordination Advisory Group Literacy Leadership State Steering Committee Critical Friends Advisory Group
15 Content Standards and Assessment System Evaluation: When? December 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 –Report of a preliminary review of selected content standards and grades using initial protocol/criteria (January 2007) –Final report for the comprehensive review of the content standards (March 2007) –Final report for the alignment studies (March/April 2007) –Final report on the structure of Oregon’s content standards and assessments (May 2007)
16 For more information about the standards and assessment evaluation: ode.state.or.us/go/real For more information about WestEd: