Today’s Lecture Summary: Cellular reproduction Binary fissionBinary fission MitosisMitosis MeiosisMeiosis Reading Assignment: Chapter 8
Learning Outcomes: By the end of today’s lecture, you should be able to: - explain the difference between binary fission, mitosis and meiosis - list and describe the steps of mitosis and meiosis - list the processes by which cell division is regulated and explain what happens to cells that don’t respond to these regulatory mechanisms - explain the processes that lead to genetic variation during meiosis - explain the chromosomal problems that can occur during meiosis
Cell division:
Cell division functions: - Growth & development - Tissue renewal - Reproduction
Binary fission occurs in prokaryotic cells:
Binary fission:
Human karyotype: ordered display of an individual’s chromosomes
Female karyotype: Male karyotype:
Genes: nucleotide sequences of DNA.
The location of the gene on the chromosome is called the locus (plural: loci). Different forms of a gene are called alleles.
Homologous chromosomes are the same in size, shape and genetic information.
Mitosis (cont.):
Mitosis in Animal Cell (LM):
Mitosis in Plant Cell:
Normal cells vs. Cancer cells:
Cancerous breast tumor:
The asexual reproduction of a hydra:
Each couple has one daughter and one son. Which child belongs to which couple?
couple 2couple 1couple 1couple 2
Meiosis: sexual reproduction
Meiosis occurs in two phases: Meiosis I: Meiosis II:
A cell with two copies of a chromosome is diploid (2N). A cell with one copy of a chromosome is haploid (N).
Independent assortment during meiosis:
Crossing over during meiosis:
Down karyotype (Trisomy 21):
Down syndrome:
Alteration of chromosome number due to non-disjunction during meiosis I:
Non-disjunction during meiosis II:
Fertilization after non-disjunction:
Abnormal numbers of sex chromosomes:
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY): Turner syndrome (XO):
Alterations of chromosome structure:
Alterations of chromosome structure (cont.):
Translocation associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML):
Today’s Lecture Summary: Cellular reproduction Binary fissionBinary fission MitosisMitosis MeiosisMeiosis Reading Assignment: Chapter 8
Check for understanding…
1. Starting w/ a single cell, a series of 5 mitosis events would yield a total of how many cells? 2. A chemical prevents the production of DNA; what step in mitosis would be prevented? 3. a) A cell w/ 46 chromosomes undergoes mitosis to produce daughter cells w/ _____ chromosomes b) A cell w/ 46 chromosomes undergoes meiosis to produce daughter cells w/ _____ chromosomes 4. How is reciprocal translocation different from normal crossing over?
Complete the table below: