EuroGeographics comments to Discovery and View Services 6th Feb 2008 Antti Jakobsson
discovery services ISSUES OGC CSW ISO 19115/19119 Application Profile (CSW ISO AP) shall be used as the reference specification for the INSPIRE Discovery Service –disovery service/registry service -> Jrc will find organizations who will maintain certain registry services -> what will be the solution for registries in mainstream IT –procedure of changing the Implementing rules? Service capabilities –SOAP binding, language (if that language is not found, then default language is used, what that is? –multilingual support Performance requirements –are the figures realistic vs too low? –is there a another way of giving these requirements that would enable them to be better suited for the future requirements? -> put them to the guidelines instead of implementing rule /or into monitoring ir?
view services ISSUES SOAP binding -> industry buy-in? –phased implementation? language parameter what is a default? how to support the multilingual georights management – free text? access constraints are missing exception meaning? Layers Styling –thematic groups should test the styling –At the moment styling has to become from the service provider (no outside SLD is supported) –Eurogeographics role in this? SRS WMS Client viewer
EuroGeographics plans Short term –distribution of the presentations of the WS (Patricia, this week) –comments from the members to Discovery and view services by 14th Feb? (send to –comments to the Discovery and view services from the EuroGeographics 17th Feb? Mid/Long term –implementation status /legislation, technical implementing –How to support the work of the INSPIRE (DT) –EuroGeographics workplan for INSPIRE? 2008 data specification workshop Download services? Co-ordinated transformation services? influencing to the INSPIRE committee? -> issues/communication –ESDIN project (proof of concepts, stylings issues), EURADIN project –guidelines/list of issues to be taken into account when implementing INSPIRE –open workshops through Expert Groups, how to follow-up the Network services? EuroSDR co-operation -> guidelines –EGM, ERM as a search map in EU-Geoportal? –Standardization follow-up (already CEN, need to follow-up ISO, OGC?)