co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme The NATURE-SDIplus Solution for Data Harmonisation
2 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW The DH-TWG The DH methodology The procedure for data transformation The procedure for metadata transformation The guidelines The matching tables The transformation tools A practical example of data remodeling The methodology to facilitate and to monitor the status of the DH process
3 Data harmonisation process involves: Different players (data providers, technological partners, research partners) Operational implementation of DH impacts on different tasks WHY A DH-TWG? 3 Need of a dedicated technical coordination DH-TWG
THE OVERALL DH METHODOLOGY (1/3) SOURCE SIDE TARGET SIDE Selection of the target schema Analysis of the target schema Creation of the Matching table Matching analysis Data transformation HARMONISED DATASET TOOLS GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES Selection of the sample DS Analysis and schematisation of the sample DS 5
THE OVERALL DH METHODOLOGY (3/3) The services we have created: Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS) for the Data Catalogue Web Services (CSW) for the Metadata Once processed, harmonised, transformed and made accessible through the Geoportal, spatial datasets, metadata and network services (accessibility and usability) have been validated 7
THE PROCEDURE FOR DATA TRANSFORMATION Identify a source data model Create a simple geodata structure Fill the Data matching table Document the process Choose Transformation Tool Perform Transformation Store Transformation Rules Publish harmonised Data 8
Identify a source metadata profile Fill the Metadata matching table Document the process Choose Metadata Editor Create or Update Metadata Store Transformation Rules Publish harmonised Metadata THE PROCEDURE FOR METADATA TRANSFORMATION 9
THE GUIDELINES Procedures for metadata profile and data model implementation, including Quality control for the harmonisation process 10
Spatial Datasets: Final Matching table for PS (Annex I) Final Matching Tables for BR, HB, SD (Annex III) Metadata: Final Matching table for PS (Annex I) Final Matching Tables for BR, HB, SD (Annex III) THE MATCHING TABLES (1/3) 11
THE TRANSFORMATION TOOLS Transformation tools for metadata: MDweb (IRD), INSPIRE Metadata Editor, CatMDEdit, GeoNetwork, MIG Metadata Editor, disy Preludio. Transformation tools for spatial datasets: GeoConverter, GeoMedia Fusion, Humboldt Alignement Editor, Go Publisher Tools surveyed, investigated and under testing by Technical Partners, used by DPs 14
Tool capabilities surveyed 1.Reading non ISO profile 2.Reading ISO profile 3.Allowing to define / load specific profiles (in our cases Nature- SDIplus) 4.Allowing manual / semiautomatic / automatic mapping processes 5.Allowing save and reuse automatic process 6.Perform quality mapping control: Any? Specify 7.Publish metadata catalogue (CSW) 8.Allowing multilingualism 9.License 10.Allowing different export formats 11.Other interesting characterises 12.System Requirements Software, Hardware SURVEY OF THE TOOLS FOR METADATA TRANSFORMATION 15
Tool capabilities surveyed 1.Enumerate input formats 2.Enumerate output formats 3.Read input data 4.Change Coordinate reference System 5.Allowing to define / load specific target model 6.Allowing manual / semiautomatic / automatic mapping 7.Allowing to save transformation process 8.Any transformation quality control. Specify 9.Allowing multilingualism 10.License 11.System Requirements Software, Hardware SURVEY OF THE TOOLS FOR DS TRANSFORMATION 16
EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION OF DH PROCEDURE – STEP 1 STEP 1.1: Selection of the sample source dataset Natura2000 dataset of Greece, source: EIONET; free download STEP 1.2: Deep analysis of the source dataset cntrygr_ENG_SCI -SPA_Aug_2009.mdb (MS Access mdb) GR_Natura2000 _v27.shp + Commission Decision 97/266/EC of concerning a site information format for proposed Natura2000 sites 17
EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION OF DH PROCEDURE – STEP 5 WFS deployment with GO Publisher WFS Harmonised PS datasets viewed with Gaia 18
MONITORING DH PROCESS Prepared a template to collect feedback from DP about Data Harmonisation Prepared a template to collect feedback from DP about Metadata Harmonisation Prepared a tool (excel spreadsheet based) to monitor the status of the DH proces 19
14 different “tool configurations” used by DPs in the Metadata Harmonisation Process 21
16 different “tool configurations” used by DPs in the Datasets Harmonisation Process 22