Non-scaling FFAGs in UK EMMA Requirement for (at least) one non-scaling FFAG clear: - multi-resonance crossings - huge/tiny momentum compaction - asynchronous acceleration Original idea: build electron model EMMA: - Model of muon accelerators from US Study 2a - Sufficient flexibility for detailed studies Baseline design done Selected lattice: - 10 to 20 MeV- 42 cells, doublet lattice - 37cm cell length- ~16m circumference - RF every other cell- 1.3GHz, TESLA frequency Specification of hardware started
Non-Scaling Electron Model EMMA EMMA
Location EMMA Need somewhere with flexible injector: - variable energy - variable bunch structure - ~1.3GHz Experimental hall Infrastructure Energy Recovery Linac Prototype at Daresbury Laboratory EMMA
Funding EMMA Possible sources of funding for EMMA identified: PPARC – unlikely, has already funded MICE Basic Technology Fund UK Gov Spending Review Europe – tried and failed CCLRC BT, SR and CCLRC need generic (i.e. non-PP) project Campaign for hadron therapy support undertaken Too successful! See next……..
Proton Machine EMMA New Dept of Radio Oncology forming in Oxford Has £3M and can get 2x more for “right” machine: - protons - >40 MeV required; ~100 MeV desirable - must fit in new building being built - carbon interesting if reasonable energy & possible Very interested in non-scaling FFAGs - not interested in cyclotrons, synchrotrons, etc Machine should be hadron therapy prototype in 2 ways: - study of therapy using mice (hence >40 MeV) - demonstration of use of non-scaling FFAGs
Latest UK Plan EMMA Build both EMMA and proton machine! “Independent” funding routes: proton: Medical Research Council & Cancer Research UK EMMA: UK Basic Technology Fund/CCLRC Link together in BT proposal Emphasis still on hadron therapy Complementarities: proton: hadron therapy prototype; low beta EMMA: detailed study of non-scaling optics; model of NF accelerators training machine; high beta
Next Steps - EMMA EMMA Need to understand tracking results: - Are Francois and Shinji seeing the same effect - If so, is there a problem with trans. acceptance - If so, how do we fix it Preparation for BT proposal: - Deadline around April Need demonstration of feasibility from tracking - Need complete layout, including injection, extr. - Need diagnostics Need reasonable cost estimate: - better RF cost (underway) - better magnet cost - injection and extraction cost - diagnostics cost - etc!!!
Next Steps – Proton Machine EMMA Needs a name! Two candidates so far: FAMOUS - FFAG Accelerators for Medical and Other Uses PROMETHEUS – PROton Medical THErapy USes Need to write proposal to access funding: - timescale ~< 1 year - demonstrate advantages of non-scaling FFAGs for hadron therapy - demonstrate feasibility of proton prototype Need at least one lattice this week: - Linear or non-linear? - Doublet, FODO, triplet, pumplet? - Number of cells? - Number of turns? - RF: possibility of using FINEMET? Need 6D tracking Need to identify R&D required, especially magnets & RF