class plan Turn in collaboration contracts Discussion of I, Robot, implicature, the production of truth effects Break Wikipedia project proposal workshop in (UW2- 121)
discussion board wall of shame group 1group 2group 3 Brown-Ostler, CourtneyMiller, TomBrace-Wessel, Gil (Oaksford, Doug)(Emmons, Bo) (Jaglois, Kristen) (Heringer, Dan) (Olsen, Abe) (Wilson, Tyler) nothing no notes posted late
week 4: guiding questions How do genres organize knowledge? Where do you notice implicature at work in I, Robot? In terms of formal organization, rhetorical structure, and thematic content, what similarities do you notice between the three samples of SF we have read so far? What differences?
Reason “[L]anguage generates more information than it directly ‘contains’, and this ‘more’—the implied information that we add to the words we hear— is not directly entailed in or implied by the semantic content of the words” (Frow 79). “Genre is a framework for processing information and for allowing us to move between knowledge given directly in a text and other sets of knowledge that are relevant to understanding it” (Frow 80).
structural dimensions of genre formal organization rhetorical structure thematic content Relations between speakers involve a negotiation and a (dis)agreement about truth status Recurrent topics, iconography, forms of argument Properties of language, grammar and syntax, layout
the three laws of robotics 1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 0. A robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
project proposal workshop 1.Present individual proposals to team members 2.Review Wikipedia guidelines and requirements 3.Re-examine the current entry together with all group members’ ideas in mind 4.Make a plan that will result in a complete and polished proposal (with which all group members are well acquainted) by 11am Wednesday 5.Begin to write up the proposal