Background and Objectives of the Conference By Mr. Dossina Yeo, AUC.


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Presentation transcript:

Background and Objectives of the Conference By Mr. Dossina Yeo, AUC

History of the regional CRVS Initiative In many African countries, CRVS has been in operation for decades. The multidisciplinary and multisectoral nature of CRVS was not well understood for the past years. Several adhoc initiatives and projects could not bring change on the status of CRVS on the African continent. In June 2009, anew regional initiative was launched during a workshop in Dar-es-salaam. During the 2009 workshop, stakeholders saw the need for an integrated and holistic approach to improving CRVS in Africa. Their efforts gave birth to the 1 st and the 2 nd Conference of African ministers responsible for Civil registration in 2010 and 2012 respectively.

History Cont’d…… CRVS Secretariat was formed at UNECA with the Support of AUC, AfDB, UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, HCR, etc., to steer the APAI-CRVS-now in the 2 nd phase of implementation(Regional Medium Term Plan ). The Decision (Assembly/AU/Dec.424 (XIX)) of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, held in July 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia endorsed the institutionalization of a biennial meeting of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration of the African Union for discussion and evaluation of political and policy issues related to Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in Africa.

Objectives of the 3 rd conference of African Ministers responsible for Civil Registration Review the progress made by countries against the commitments made at the past two conferences & also against the APAI-CRVS medium term plan targets. To deliberate on policy and programmatic actions for the next phase of implementation of the regional medium term plan.

Expected Outcomes Review progress made against the targets set in the APAI-CRVS medium-term plan. Review progress made against the ministerial resolutions of the past two conferences. Enable member states to learn from one another’s successes and challenges in implementing CRVS programmes. Ensure that a good governance approach to CRVS is widely appreciated and recognized.

Expected outcomes…Cont’d….. Provide policy and programmatic guidance towards establishing complete and efficient CRVS systems in Africa. Provide an accountability framework to measure and monitor progress made against past and present commitments.